Instagram Better: A Plan For Building an Authentic Instagram Community
If you know me at all, you know I have a passion for Instagram. I love it. i breathe it, obsess over any new information about it. It’s my happy place.
Instagram Better: A Plan for Building an Authentic Instagram Community is on sale but closing soon!
Instagram has over 700 million active monthly users. What makes you different?
Did you know that you have less than 10 seconds to make an impression with your feed?
So what do you do?
You need a strategy because contrary to popular opinion, if you build it, they will not come!
Numbers are a tricky beast in the world of social media. Everyone wants more because if you have larger numbers, more brands will want to work with you right? I know you’ve seen courses that promise to help you double even triple your Instagram following in something crazy like 2 weeks.
This is not that course.
This course isn’t about numbers. Oh, if you follow through on what I will teach you in this course you WILL gain new followers and keep the ones you have.
But while growing your numbers is a good thing and the things I teach you in this course will certainly help with that, ENGAGEMENT is KING when it comes to Instagram. It’s the difference between those who have numbers and those who have a community.
Engagement leads to influence and having influence puts you in a position of authority.
And THAT my friends is what leads brands and Instagram users to seek you out.
Engagement is what has helped ME to get opportunities with my own Instagram account. Brands and other instagram users are not just looking for numbers anymore!
I can’t wait to share all this info with you!
Module 1: Developing A Purpose Filled Foundation
Before you start to develop your strategy, we will first help you define your account and understand the audience you are posting for. During this module, you will audit your profile in order to understand where you are and how to move forward.
- Define what you want out of Instagram
- FINALLY define your voice and learn to STAY IN YOUR LANE
- Worksheet to help you understand your niche,who your target audience is, and what to post.
Module 2: Understanding the ever changing Algorithm
- How the Instagram Algorithm REALLY works
- Learn how YOUR behaviour is killing your reach
- Break down the Do’s and Don’ts of working with the Algorithm
Module 3: Creating Value Through Visuals
- Posting is more than just photos.
- Define your visual brand
- Create a cohesive look
Module 4: Develop a Plan: Your Content Matters
- Why posting on the fly doesn’t work anymore
- Which content type is guaranteed to bring you more engagement
- Develop a plan for a Cohesive Feed.
Module 5: Why Engagement is KING and how to increase Yours
- How to get your current followers to see and engage with your content
- The ONE thing that Always increases your engagement
- Checklist to of things to do EVERY TIME YOU POST.
Module 6: Hashtag Better
- Use Hashtags the RIGHT way ( with a hashtag cheat sheet)
- How to find the best hashtags for YOUR account
Module 7: Instagram Stories, IGTV and IG Live
- Figure out our Instagram Story Stragtegy
- Instagram Stories Tips and tricks
- Best apps
- Why IGTV and IG Live matters
- Ideas for content for IGTV
- How to do an engaging IG Live
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