Letters to Our Sons: October

Dear Pookah,


You are growing.

letters to our sons

I have no idea why I never notice until A) you’ve grown out of another pair of shoes or B) it’s hard to fasten your pants because of that little belly.

letters to our sons

But grown you have.

Next month this time, it will be days before your 5th birthday, and I’ll have to deal with all of that.

But right now, I’m dealing with the fact that time is getting away from me.  You are growing at a speed that I can’t seem to catch up to.

My baby is leaving and in his place there is this 4 almost 5 year old who knows his own mind, has opinions and yes, is growing out of his clothes.

As usual, there is a part of me that wants to weep and make time stop.

But there is another part of me that is proud.

letters to our sons

Proud of the small accomplishments that you’ve made in your first three months of Kindergarten.

Proud that you can put on your own clothes without my help( except tying those shoes…we’re working on it).

Proud that you are reading, writing, doing simple math.

I’m just proud of my big boy.

letters to our sons

Love you always.



This post is a part of a blog circle with a groups of photographers from Clickin Moms.  next check out Kennedy’s letter. 


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  1. What a wonderful idea. I love this. It is amazng how fast time can go by especially when it comes to our children growing up. I am always amazed as I notice my Kiddies personalities coming through. Like you said a true little person is replacing what was my baby but still deep down they will always be my babies..LOL

  2. They grow up way too fast. IT seems like yesterday mine was just turning one and she’ll be 5 in 10 days. I am proud of the little person she has grown to be but also sad that time won’t slow down just a little.

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