Letters to My Son: On the 1st Day of High School

Dear Pookah,

This…was your first day of Kindergarten…

First day of Kindergarten, August 11, 2014

I was scrolling my google photos at 4 AM this morning and found this photo of your first day of Kindergarten ( that Letter to him is here)

It made me smile and laugh and cry and took me back down memory lane.

I was so nervous for you. Would you love it? Would you like your teacher? Would you learn and be able to keep up with all the other kids?

Fast forward 9 years and here you are at the bus stop on your first day of 9th grade.



When did we get here?

I remember admitting in my Letters to My Sons post that month that I would love to see you stay my baby boy.

And you have. With caveats of course.

You are stubborn, independent, funny, handsome, a good friend, and still a good son.

Yes, we have growing pains over here ( teenagerhood is NO JOKE YA’LL), but I know it’s time to start getting you ready to fly the nest, and the first year of high school is the first step.

I can’t wait to see the changes that will come this school year. To hear about the things you learn, the people you meet, the girls…side eye

But know that I am proud of you already.

Can’t wait to hear about your first day.

Love you


One Comment

  1. My “baby” – my youngest – will start her high school journey next week and it definitely makes me hold my breath a bit. Time is funny, isn’t it? Wishing Pookah all the best!

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