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Letters to My Son: On the First Day of 8th Grade

Dear Pookah.

My son-shine.

First Day of 8th Grade

Today is your first day of 8th grade, your last in middle school, and I find myself at a crossroads like i’m sure you are too.

I remember the giddiness of back to school. The simultaneous love/hate relationship. You don’t want the summer to end, but you can’t wait to see your friends again.

I can’t wait for you to go back to school, but I will miss having you around every day.

I know lots of moms out here can’t wait for their kids to go back to school, but in truth, this summer went by too fast for me.

Time is moving too fast for me.

I still remember your first day of kindergarten, you so eager but nervous at the same time.

So cute and little.

Now I look at you, all tall and lean calling me MOM.

I miss the cute and little you, but I love who you are becoming. I love the random conversations we have about life and science and thoughts and feelings. I love our little inside jokes. I love your brain, your too brief dimple cheeked smile and the way you now bite your lip to try to hide that smile.

I’m looking forward to this year, even though I suspect it’s going to be a harder one than we both think.

I can’t wait to see your growth by the end of it.

I can’t wait to continue to be witness to who you are becoming.

Love you my big baby boy.



Sunday 21st of August 2022

Aww May your son have a great last year of middle school. My daughter starts her first day of her last year in middle school in two weeks. I hope we’ll be ready for it.