Letters To My Son: Today You Are 15
Dear Pookah,
Today you are 15.

I took the above photo of you randomly.
I was trying to get a photo of your hair, but you turned and looked at me and I snapped the photo.
Immortalizing how much you have changed from one year to the next.
Year 14 flew by. I feel like I barely got used to you being in High School before it seemed like a time machine sent you to the middle of the 10th grade.
Omg you have grown so much this year!
I’m not talking about just height( even though yes, you are officially way taller than me).
I’m talking about maturity. The way when I took you to the dr, you asked and answered all of the questions.
The way when we go somewhere, you take the lead and ask for directions or what to do.
The way you will forgo doing something fun because you have “work” to do.
And then of course there is the fact that now, it’s time to get your learners permit and start to drive.
I know it’s been a challenging 2nd half of the year, but I’ve watched you mature and grow and meet some pretty hard challenges and start to pull yourself back up bit by bit.
I’m so proud of the man you are becoming.
I love your humor, the way some parts of you are so like me and the others so like your Dad. I love the way you analyze music, the way you are so passionate about your favorite things, the way you just keep going and the way you always always always believe in yourself.
You are the joy of my life, the most precious gift I’ve ever received.
You are our light. Our Joy. Our gift from God
Happy 15th Birthday Baby Boy.
Love you.