Something lovely happened by the end of last week…Fall weather officially arrived. Finally, in my mind at least, it’s time to slow down, eat soup, pick your mums and pumpkins, and wear boots and chunky sweaters.
I am utterly delighted by the chill in the air and wearing sweatshirts and trying to figure out where to get Mums and pumpkins for a reasonable price. But while I figure that out, I figured it was time for an October edition of Currently.
So, let’s get into what’s Currently going on in my life…

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A whole lot of nothing. As I do with television, I start several shows and then don’t finish any of them because I get distracted by a book. Or in this case the news.
Back to Back Hurricanes and election coverage took over my TV these past three weeks.
I’m about over it all.
Well, October has been just an ok reading month so far. I am currently reading Colored Television by Danzy Senna. It’s weirdly…good? I haven’t decided yet. Even though I’m about 60% through it.
I had promised myself that after the 2nd Coldest Winter Ever book ( which I gave a 1/5) I was done with Sister Souljah and the whole series. But my curiosity and nostalgia got the best of me and I read Love After Midnight. I’m here to confirm that it does not get better. It’s so bad that it has me questioning: did she even write the first book? Cause…make it make sense.
I gave it a 2/5( here is my review so you don’t have to read it ) because although it was an improvement on the last book, it was not by much. And I won’t be reading another. Like ever.
I’m currently palate-cleansing from that one with some smut with a little romance. ( haven’t gotten to the romance yet) . I am also currently getting ready to finally read The Fifth Season By N.K. Jemisin. It’s been on my to-read list forever.
Ina Garten’s Memoir on audible and political podcasts. Right now, I’m really loving Native Land Pod , The Campaign Moment from The Washington Post, The Daily from the New York Times, and The Assignment with Audie Cornish.
Fall temps are here and we are finally going to be in the low 40s this week as a low. That means it’s finally Chili weather. I make a version of my mama’s Chili and I cannot WAIT to eat it with cornbread muffins.
My new headphones! When I run, I’ve learned that I can’t stand having something IN my ear and that I sweat way too much for anything over the ear to be comfortable. Plus both block out sound completely and I worry about being a woman alone running in secluded areas. I kept seeing all of these running influencers with the Shokz headphones and I was curious and they did not disappoint.
They use bone conduction technology to transmit sound directly to your inner ear bypassing your eardrums through vibrations. It’s really amazing. And the sound is good. Battery life so far seems excellent.
Nervous as hell.
- There is an election in 22 days and I’m having flashbacks of 2016. How the hell is this election close? Don’t answer that, I know but I can’t believe it. DID WE LEARN NOTHING AS A NATION????
- My marathon is in 33 days. I…don’t feel anywhere near ready to run it. I was telling Carly and Jennifer that I almost wish it was this week because then I would have less time to stress over it. I could just…make my way to the finish line and be DONE. But no…I’ve got 33 more days to stress. Great. Fabulous.
A project that I put on my vision board this year.

HINT: if you look closely you KNOW LOL
Let’s just say it’s a passion project about my favorite thing ( not coffee the other one) .
I have been nervously…putting it off all year. Even though I have done all the prep I can do , the only thing left to do is just to …do it.
Sorry to be vague booking but….
That’s not all, but that’s all I’ve got today.