Letters to Our Sons: July

Dear Pookah,

I unexpectedly had to pick you up from school last week after a hellish 2 hours in rush hour traffic.  Your Daddy usually has this duty, but he was stuck in the traffic that I had just struggled through.  Your surprised joy as you called my name and ran to me made up for it all.  You even forgot your self imposed “no kissing at school ” policy and smothered me with kisses and hugs. And I almost wept with the joy of it.

letters to our sons



Sometimes, my love for you sneaks up on me and blinds me, makes me stumble with the force of it. The rightness of it.  I keep thinking that I’ll get used to my heart walking around on the outside of my body.

But NO.

Everyday,I’ m more and more fascinated by the turn of your head, your expression, a new word you’ve learned, your smile, your laugh. Just you.

letters to our sons

letters to our sons

letters to our sons
Love you,




This post is a part of the Letters To Our Sons Blog Circle I am a part of with a wonderful group of moms of boys from Clickin Moms. Every month, we write letters to our sons. I love doing this and can’t wait until the end of the year to make a book out of these.

Follow the circle on over to  Quad City Photographer, Aubrey Dawn Photography


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