When life throws you a curve ball….


SO I feel like I’m failing at this Nablopomo life.

I started off good with great content ideas and posts.

But life and work and life and work and sick child got in my way.

I had/have all the plans.

But when your child gets sick in the beginning of the week, and you have family come to town and you yourself aren’t feeling so hot and you have deadlines out the wazoo….


I’ll try again tomorrow.



  1. So much the same. I had every intention of posting everyday. Even just a quick snapshot with a few lines. Not happening. Never has. Never will…

  2. I always start out with the best of intentions. But if your like me, your downtime is too little to keep up once major commitments and distractions enter the picture. At least you got something posted! Hope your kid feels better soon. It messes us up, too, when they don’t feel good.

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