The Lovely Everyday Week 4: iPhoneography Style

OK confession:

I suck!


No really, me and my Canon did not see each other until Saturday when I shot a birthday party for a friend.

BUT my iPhone 365 is going SO STRONG! LOL


Here was my week in iPhoneography……..



Getting work done on a new project (coming soon) Before going in to the job that ( for now) pays the bills

The LE Monday

The First full day of Fall.

TLE Tuesday


Remember those flowers from last week? On their last legs. I tested out a new app called Manual. It’s like a little DSLR. You can control everything except the aperture. Even do Kelvin White Balance..

The LED Wednesday trying out a new app

But frankly, that’s too much work for a camera phone. But good to know about just in case….

A selfie, because you have to have one everyweek you know….




Driveway flora…..

Driveway nature...

Lunch with CDub at Houston’s for his birthday and then a birthday party for one of Pookah’s friends. He had a gluten free cupcake


TLE Saturday lunch

TLE Saturday

OUTKAST! ATL Shawty! I scored two last minute tickets for Cdub for his birthday. We had a blast! And had the munchies afterwards….

TLE Sunday

The afterparty


So that’s my week in iPhoneography! Head on over to Bianca to see her week in photos!


  1. Looks like you had a great week! I haven’t gone to Houston’s before, I need to make a trip there some day. Beautiful photos like always! I wish I could get good quality photos with my Android S5.

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