May Photo a Day Prompts: Cherish Everyday 365
May is here and it’s time for May Photo a Day Prompts for the Cherish Everyday 365 Project!
Is it just me, or did April fly by? I suppose we are all getting into the routine of this stay at home, social distancing life.
New routines are being formed and years later, we are going to look back on this and remember what life was like through our photos and words.
I’ve been using the photos and prompts as a sort of journaling exercise to keep track of what we are doing and what our lives look like.
I have a feeling that a lot of how this life is changing will stay with us for years and I want to document this time of change. So we can look back on it and say, yes, I remember when that started or yes, I remember when everything changed.
Because even if life is not how we would like it to be, there are still little everyday moments that need to be captured. Remembered and shared.
Like I want to remember Pookah’s first mask. I want to remember what his last year of elementary school looked. And how we started the summer in this strange time.
So hopefully, our prompts this month help you capture this time. Because we are going to want to look back someday.
Our kids are going to want to look back and remember those walks around the neighborhood, classroom zooms, picking up take out instead of eating in restaurants and what they did around the house for fun.
So get your camera or your phone out and document these days friends.
Can’t wait to see your photos.
How to participate this month
Participating is simple!
You can join at any time! If you are just joining us for May, that’s ok! If you just want to do May, that’s ok too!
Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your Inspiration.
Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtags #cherisheveryday365 or #cherisheveryday365_May a
Go through the #cherisheveryday365 and the #cherisheveryday_may hashtags to like and comment to be a part of the community.
Download the May Photo a Day Prompts to your phone or print them out for your planner!
If you want tips on how to complete a Project 365 head to the January Post!
I am loving following along with all of the photos coming out of this project and I love getting to know you all! I can’t wait to see more photos this month!
I can’t wait to see what you guys share for this month’s challenge!!
Happy Shooting!