From Where This Princess Stands….

disney princess half marathon

Taken with Canon 6D and Canon 40mm 2.8 Lens

Settings: Aperture: f 5.0/ shutter speed : 1/50 ISO: 6400.

I’ve had these shoes for 3, almost 4 years now. I bought them from Peachtree Running Company. I went in and did the running test so they could see exactly how i run and recommend the best shoes for me. I was excited you see, because i had just singed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon.

I ran for a few weeks, but by the time the race came around, I had stopped. My new running shoes were in the closet, buried underneath the rest of the forgotten shoes.

I signed up AGAIN. I can do this, i thought. I even had a buddy who singed up with me. We were following a running plan. We were going to DO this! But Thanksgiving came, Christmas came..and went and I knew that NO, once again, my money was wasted.

I ran a 10 K in July of that year with no training whatsoever, but hey..i ran something.

My shoes went back in the closet. Hidden under more junk.

Then, I signed up AGAIN.

What, did I just like wasting money?

But then, i started running early…and fell off…and stared training again…and fell off and then got sick as a DOG the week before the freakin race!

Was this a sign??? Was I just NOT meant to ever run this race?

BUT I doped myself up, got on a plane to Florida and dammit I ran, walked, shuffled, cried and damn near crawled my way through 13.1 miles at Disney.

And I finally completed a Disney Princess Half Marathon.

And I just like that, I crossed something off of my bucket list.

I guess the lesson is in this, keep trying, if you fail, try and try again. The third time seems to be a charm.

disney princess half marathon

 (iPhone 5 photos edited with Pictapgo app)

Tip: Telling a story with your photography is a great way to capture memories. You can take a photojournalistic approach and capture moments as they happen with no prompting or setting things up. You just let things unfold and push your shutter button to capture the moment.  But I have a few more tips when you are trying to tell a story with your photography:

  1. Capture the big picture: you want context, what was going on ? Sometimes, when telling a story, your background is just as important as your subject
  2. Capture the details: because that’s what you really want to remember: the way your baby’s hair curls arounds her ears, the silly little sparkle in their eye, or the many wrinkles on newborn feet.
  3. Use a wide angle lens: you can crop later, but it’s important to be able to get the WHOLE story in the frame.
  4. Relax and let it happen. Enjoy those moments, don’t force them. Have your camera ready and when the moment happens, just push the shutter button….


Our Project 52: Link up with and

Don’t forget to head over to Mimi to see from where she stands!

And our prompt next week is IN MY CUP!




  1. You did it!! I’m signing up and doing it next year for sure. I always say I am going to do it but I’ve never actually paid my money. I’m doing the PRR this year. I guess I should start training once it gets warm because I actually want to have a chance at doing a decent job.

  2. This is great! I’ve always wanted to run, but have never gotten into the habit. I do at least try to walk during my lunches at work when the weather is nice. Congrats on knocking this off your bucket list and thanks for the tips. Do you have a wide-angle lens you would recommend for a Nikon camera?

  3. Congrats!!!! I have always been so intimidated by big races. I’ve done a 5K and I hope to do another one this year. I’ve never heard of the Disney Princess Run. It looks like a lot of fun. It’s reassuring hearing you say that you didn’t run the entire time. There’s no way I’d be able to run the entire 13.1 miles. I’m going to look up the race to learn more about it. Congrats to you again for accomplishing such a big goal!

  4. WE DID THAT!!!!! I’m ready for next year .. I want the glass slipper medal. I swear I’m going to train right this time LOL.

  5. I’m so excited that you got to do the Princess Half Marathon! I hope to return maybe in 2017 for the Glass Slipper Challenge. I’m sure you had a great time! Congrats!!!

  6. That is awesome; congratulations!! A half marathon is on my list as well. I signed up for the Diva 1/2 last year, but I too had to miss out on it! Way to go!

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