15 Podcasts By Black Women That You Should Be Listening To

15 Podcasts by Black Women that you need to listen to right now. They cover everything from beauty, trending topics, wellness, sex and relationships motherhood and more.


Everyone needs a good podcast in their life.

Before this pandemic happened, I was a sometimes I listen to podcasts type of person. I was more of a listen to books type of girl. I mean, my audible account is everything.

But then the pandemic came and I found myself listening to podcasts about business, then for fun. And then I found this whole world of black women podcasting and was hooked.

I listen to podcasts while cleaning, while in the shower, while cooking dinner, on my rare commutes to the grocery store.

They are the perfect way to get info and entertainment all in one.

I subscribe to a TON of them, but what i wanted to share, are 15 of the podcasts by black women that I found this year. A few, I was already following, but the rest, I found this year.

They range in everything from politics, beauty, trending topics, wellness, sex and relationships, motherhood and more.

So get ready to subscribe friends.


15 Podcasts By Black Women That You Need to Listen To Right Now

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