Randoms on the Monday Before Christmas….
There are 3 days until Christmas. NINE days until the new year. I finally finished all of my Christmas shopping this weekend and now I just need to wrap and put everything under the tree.
- Do you buy yourself a Christmas gift? I do, it’s a ritual I started back when I got my first real nursing job and actually had disposable income. This year, I bought myself a Canon 40mm f/2.8 Lens. It’s so small and cute and sharp. It totally makes my Canon 6D seem like a point and shoot. well…as much as a full frame dslr can….. Do you buy yourself Christmas gifts?
- I want the iPhone 6. I’m trying to wait for my upgrade in February but I don’t know if I’m going to make it…
- I finally ordered a photo book of our trip to San Francisco and the photos from my iPhone 365 from Artifact Uprising. I also ordered prints for the walls finally. I can’t wait for them to come!!!
- In preparation for the new year and new things to come, I’ve done a little re-branding. If you notice, when you came to Everyday Eyecandy today, you actually came to everydayeyecandy.com. and my twitter handle is now lashawnwiltz and so is my Instagram. So I’m still me, just rebranded. LOL
- Make sure you tune in to the blog on Monday after Christmas for an announcement about a special project I’m excited to share with you.
That’s it for this Monday. Pookah is on winter break, so it’s me and him until Wednesday.
How is your Monday going?
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My Monday is going well and thanks for asking. I don’t buy myself a present but I give lots of hints to my husband in order to receive what I really want for Christmas. 🙂 I’ve got 2 gifts that will arrive today and then I’m all done. Looking forward to cooking and spending time with the family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Happy Monday to you! I don’t usually buy myself a Christmas gift because I buy myself gifts all year. LOL. I will try to relish in this while I don’t have children. I know all that will change in the future. Also, I won’t be mad if you go ahead and upgrade. I couldn’t wait myself!
My Monday is going ok, still fighting off my cold. I do buy myself something for Christmas and this year I bought myself some clothes and a new purse and wallet.
Love this. I totally bought myself some Christmas gifts for the first time ever. And one of them was the iPhone 6 🙂
I just recently purchased a 50mm 1.8 lens for my Canon T3i and I love how the pictures turn out!
I love the 50 1.8! it’s one of the best lenses out there for the money!
I actually always have bought myself Christmas gifts! Who knows you more than you…its always like a cute limited edition beauty or bath item…you know the cute ones you can get from Target or Sephora? I love it!
yes! i am actually thinking about getting one of those too….
I might need a new camera. The old one fell into the sink while I was washing dishes and I’m not sure how long it was there. It was a point and shoot but a good one! SO that might be my Christmas present to myself this year. 🙂 I can’t wait to see what next Monday brings.
fell in the sink???? Oh no!!Sounds like it’s time for an upgrade!
Yeah…life with the two year old. I don’t even really know how it happened. I just know that I felt the case and was very sad.
I got the iPhone 6 plus about 2 weeks ago and I am loving it. Glad you got your Christmas shopping done, I on the other hand will be one of the crazies out there in the chaos on the Eve smh. Have a great holiday! #BLMGirls
I changed up my instagram to. Instagram is such a beast that I have to take it more seriously. I took my name off and will concentrate on just using the magazine handle. I buy myself something for my birthday Christmas I leave it to the kids. Have a happy Holiday
Enjoy your Christmas! (HUG)
I love that you buy yourself Christmas gifts. I make it a habit to treat myself regularly but am not as specific when it comes to Christmas. Hubby and I have to go out this morning to do some last minute shopping so we’ll see how it goes LOL Yay congrats on the rebranding and I can’t wait to hear the exciting announcement! Have a wonderful Christmas!
I have not purchased myself a gift in years but I am going to get back to that. I will probably make it a New Years gift so I don’t compromise and end up buying something for the kids.
I love your new mobile site!
I absolutely buy myself Christmas gift(s)! That is a great and deserving ritual for working people!