Saturdays( a Photography Project) Week 16


Our alarm went off at the crack of dawn and woke us all up.

And Pookah wanted Pancakes at the crack of dawn of course…

By the time I felt awake enough to have coffee and toast, they wanted to get out and enjoy the day.

I had a ton of stuff to do for the Blog and worked on my BlogHer Presentation on and off when I got a chance.

Still, there is never enough time on Saturdays. I always feel like the day flies by……


Saturdays a iPhoneography Project Week 16

Saturdays a iPhoneography Project week 16

Saturdays a iPhoneography Project week 16

Saturdays a iPhoneography Project week 16

Saturdays in iPhoneography week 16

Saturdays in iPhoneography week 16

Saturdays in Iphoneography week 16

Saturdays in iPhoneography week 16

Saturdays in iPhoneography Week 16

Saturdays in iPhoneography Week 16


  1. such beautiful pics LaShawn!! I haven’t been to Dave an Busters in a while. I need to take the kids for some fun! can’t wait to see you in a few weeks!

  2. Pics are beautiful as usual! But wait….you’re presenting at Blogher!? I know I’ve been completely off the grid, but congratulations! I’m sure you will blog about it, spot I can’t wait to read about it! Congrats again!

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