Saturdays ( A Photography Project) Week 23

So Saturday Morning, Pookah woke me up at the crack of dawn asking for pancakes and sausage.

I cleaned a little bit while he ate and then it dawned on me:

I had had no time for myself ALL week. I mean ALL WEEK.

Cdub got back into town Friday night. But for 6 days basically, I had been ALL OF THE THINGS to Pookah.

I took a shower, shook Cdub awake and told him I had things to do.

And I took a me day.

It’s taken me almost 6  years as a mother to do something that I used to do regularly before I had Pookah. TAKE A MENTAL HEALTH DAY.  Self-care is important. We can’t always go go go. The rest of those bathrooms were still there when I got back, the floor was still waiting to be mopped and nobody died because I didn’t fold all of the laundry.

It was a good day.

I’ve got to do it again soon.

It's Week 23 of my Saturdays iphoneography project and it was a ME day!

It's Week 23 of my Saturdays iphoneography project and it was a ME day!

It's Week 23 of my Saturdays iphoneography project and it was a ME day!


It's Week 23 of my Saturdays iphoneography project and it was a ME day!

t's Week 23 of my Saturdays iphoneography project and it was a ME day!

t's Week 23 of my Saturdays iphoneography project and it was a ME day!

It's Week 23 of my Saturdays iphoneography project and it was a ME day!

t's Week 23 of my Saturdays iphoneography project and it was a ME day!



Sometimes, we need to just take

One Comment

  1. That looks like my kind of day! Ugh I have definitely had those weeks with no time to myself – it’s such a relief to get whatever you can at the end of it all. So glad you got to have a whole day to enjoy! Beautiful pictures too!

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