Saturdays: Week 31 A Photography Project: Type A Edition
I meant to get my recap up of Type A Conference earlier this week. But the re-entry is hard and a cold on top of all of that was just….too much for a sister. But I think I’ve recovered..well, enough to get a few things done. Including my Saturdays project because lovely things always happen on Saturday in my world. This past weekend, it was the last day of Type A. Whenever a conference is in town, I tend to just commute to the site every day so sometimes, I tend to miss the parties and evening events. But I did learn and see friends and meet new ones, so it was well worth the commute. Even though by the end of the day, I always find a quiet corner by myself to regroup cause…overload. LOL I’ll have my official recap up on Friday but until then, enjoy my Saturday…..
As always totally amazing!!