Stream of Consciousness Sunday: So I’m 39

I haven’t done one of these in a while,but I was feeling all the feels and 5 minutes was just right to get it out.

Stream of Consciousness Sunday . Hosted by



I know I turned 39 a few months ago, but I totally forgot to write that birthday post that everyone writes. Or rather, I went forth on all my social media channels and talked about what a wonderful day I had doing what I want etc etc. But um, here’s the real deal:

39 sucks.

OK let me clarify.

So I’ve noticed that:

1. I don’t lose weight like I used to. WTH?? I’ve been struggling with this same 15 pounds for the last 2 years! I mean, used to be able to just go on a diet for about a month and all my weight was gone. Add in a little exercise and BAM: ONE HAWT MAMA. But no, now these pounds are sticking to me, trying to become friends. My abs…where are my abs??????

2. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH MY SKIN??? I’ve always had oily skin, but for the most part since the dreaded teenage years, it’s been fine. But now I FEEL LIKE A TEENAGER??!? The lower half of my face has exploded with zits! Where do they come from? How have I lost control? No matter how much water I drink or greasy food I forsake,  I have the skin of my 16 year old self and I’m not pleased.

3. People call me Ma’am. What.The.Hell. Ma’am is my Mama.

4. I hate most of the Hip hop I hear on the radio. I hear myself telling my younger relatives about how music used to be good and my new favorite station is an old school hip hop station. I sound like my Daddy. *cries*

5. There are gray hairs…EVERYWHERE.



This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…

  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Link back to this post (feel free to use the SOC Sunday graphic).
  • Add  your post at All Things Fadra (be sure to use the permalink to your post, not your blog’s URL; and only NEW posts please).
  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.


  1. Oh, how I wish I could tell you you’re only as old as you feel. But as you get older, there are parts of you that FEEL older. And then there are the hormones and the metabolism and the hair and skin and… But with age comes wisdom. You’ve made it this far and I bet you know a hell of a lot more than you did at 25.

    Just remember that no matter how old you are, I’ll always be older 😉

  2. Just went to the doctor and learned I am 5 pounds heavier. Doesn’t sound like much but there were already 10 pounds I wanted to shed. Oh the gray hairs!!! Seriously. I can’t deal. I’ll join you in 39 land in a few months. Thanks for the preview. Blech!

    1. I understand. I was in denial because my clothes still fit. But um, that scale at the dr’s office was like GUUUURRRRRL!!!!

  3. Although I’m still a little way away from 39, that was the gist of how I felt when I turned 30. My world seemed like it was crashing down around me. What happened to being in my 20’s what are there last few pounds of weight I just can’t seem to loose.

    1. Se my metabolism was STRONG in my early thirties! I lost that 28 pounds I gained after having my son so EASY! But now, The struggle is REAL

  4. Zits is nothing compared to the beard that I am growing…I get that thing waxed and it comes right on back and its grey. I cry daily and I am nowhere near 39. I had someone call me ma’am the other day she was 26 I said child please my name is Kita don’t ever call me ma’am again.

  5. I am definitely wanting to try this! It seems like a great way to get some things off your mind!
    I do agree, hip hop now adays is simply not the same.

  6. As I always enjoy learning new things through other people’s eyes, I can say that a number of things you wrote about are simply not important to me! I appreciate each and every day and every person who comes my way! Life to me is indeed too short and don’t care if I live to be 102, my friends call me The Eternal Optimist as I don’t concern myself with most things that people do!

  7. LOL… I turned 40 in January and can identify with all of these. The gray hair, ma’am, gray hair shouldn’t be there, oh my. My face is pretending to be 13. I’m not sure what’s that about but it really needs to stop and fast. Weight loss is a challenge but low carb is good to me if I’m good to it.

  8. I’m 39, about to turn 40 this fall. Yikes. What is it with oily skin and all sorts of crazy female unmentionables that have to happen at this age?? I swear, it’s like I’m 15 again, ugh! Oh well, I hear it gets better! Here’s hoping for both of us, lol!

  9. LOL! I loved your post! I felt inspired, so here’s my attempt at a response 🙂

    1. 39 does suck. But, i promise 40 is better. 40 is so good, it makes 39 worth it!
    2. African Black Soap is the cure to adult onset acne. GET SOME!!
    3. You’re now going to have to work for fine. Fine now requires vitamins, six to eight hours of sleep, a diet overhaul, and some sweating. That will not get any better. So, take this year to get prepared. You can do it!!
    4. Get some dye for your hair, and get creative with the “love down below”. It might be time to go back to “clean shaven” or “funky designs”

    You have to keep it interesting. But, I do promise that the confidence and love of self that develops as we get older makes it all worth it! Just my thoughts 🙂

  10. Wow, you are funnnnny! I will not call any one ma’ am! I found out from older siblings that 39 is not so bad when you travel enough and see new places!

  11. LOL!! My favorite station is the old school hip hop station too and my son shakes his head each time a song comes on that I know all of the words to. I feel so old telling him how good music ‘used to be’.

  12. After reading this post it hit me that many of the things I’m going through or experiencing in my life right now is because I am getting older. I do think sometimes I can be in denial or just try not to think about it lol. I’m 35 so I’m right behind you and will be there soon. I agree it’s so hard to shed the last few unwanted pounds and much easier when I was in my 20’s and not to mention my bones are now starting to crack and I can feel EVERYTHING lol. But I ain’t claiming none of it and I just keep it moving and pop some good ibuprofen and then I’m good…temporarily lol

  13. Ouch, I am knocking on the door of the late 30’s now and I don’t want to hear it’s going to get more difficult. Still, happy (belated) birthday, and I am sure with the right mix of anti-inflammatory and alternating between heat and ice it will hurt less – at least that’s what I do. An on the other days, I find a nice Chardonnay helps me care less about the stubborn weight.

  14. I feel your pain and I’m 32. About a month after I turned 29, my body went batsh*t crazy. I went from never getting sick to having a laundry list of symptoms. Sometimes it’s so frustrating to be a woman with all these hormones that control everything. It is funny though…I have more confidence than I’ve ever had and basically got to a point where I’m like this is my one body and I’m doing the best I can with it. Great post!

  15. La’Shawn, you are hilarious! But guess what, these problems are for all women in their 30’s. I just turned 32 and this adult acne is for the birds!

  16. LOL I know it wasn’t meant to be funny but thanks for making me smile. I’ve been having the music convo with my nieces and nephews for awhile now…and the pounds that won’t stay away…SMH. Oh and BTW, I call errrrrbody ma’am so don’t take it personally if I meet you IRL and extend the same greeting to you haha

  17. LOL! I promise I’m not laughing at you because I definitely can identify with some of these. I have no idea what’s going on with my skin. Adult acne is for the birds and so annoying, and let’s not even talk about the gray hairs.

  18. Listen I’m in my very early 30s and the greys are wicked but I kinda like them. My husband’s brainwashed me into embracing these things. The greys, the weight gain. I kinda like it.

  19. What a great idea for a it!

    I have so not gotten used to the Ma’am thing either. Everytimet they do it I’m like huh what? LOL I know it’s respect (especially here in the South) but I’m not sure I will ever get used to it..

  20. What a fun way to post and ‘brain dump’ Love it. I hate when people call me ma’am especially when I know for a fact they are either older than me or younger…LOL I know here it’s a southern thing but it is annoying none the less…LOL

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