Letters To My Son: We’ve Had a Great Summer
Dear Pookah.
It’s been a busy summer!
We’ve gone to the beach, Grandma’s house, the pool, figured out that we hate roller coasters, went to THREE camps and more.
I’m tired just thinking about it!
There was so much more intended to do with you ( see our half-completed bucket list), but time got away from us.
You have grown so much this summer. Not just in size, but in maturity and I can’t believe that next week this time, you will be in the 4th grade!!
I remember last year this time being so anxious as you were about to start your first year at a new school with new teachers and new kids. But you showed me that you can thrive anywhere!
I’ll miss our lazy summer days, but I’m looking forward to hearing about all of your adventures this year and seeing you learn and grow even more.
In the meantime, 4 days of summer break left…Let’s have fun!