Thriving:When you Find Your People

Have you ever had a moment when something big happens and you KNOW it’s big but you can’t quite wrap your brain around it? That’s been me, these last two weeks since Mom 2.0 Summit.

After almost 10 years in this blogging game, I sometimes think that there is nothing new that can inspire me or surprise me.  Last year I went to Mom 2.0 in California and I can say it changed me and the way I look at this blog. This year was no different.


I went into sessions out of curiosity and came out full of ideas and knowledge.

I got to go to Olive Garden’s Test Kitchen and meet the chef AND EAT!!!!

Olive Garden test kitchen lunch with mom 2
this was soo much fun

I got to hug on and hang with some of my Bews

@nicoleblades Me, @Fostermoms @nailahblades
Photo courtesy of @mom2summit


The food was AWESOME.

The hotel was FABULOUS.

I sat by the pool with a delicious alcoholic beverage…with absolutely nothing else to do…

I got to do a podcast.( Side note I really want to start one of these).

I had a roommate who understood that Go-Go music is perfect for getting ready for a party.

My Fab Five spoke and we DID THAT.

Photo Courtesy of Mom 2
Photo courtesy Mom 2 Summit 2017

I got to dance and laugh and sing and take photos in bubbles….

Photo by @kita


I got to dress up.

I was  I nominated for 3 Iris awards. I remember Arnebyra asking me before we left for the Iris Awards, which award I really wanted. I finally admitted I really really…no REALLY wanted Instagram of the Year.

ATL represent! Courtesy Mom 2 Summit 2017

It meant so much to me simply because it’s my space that I’ve worked the hardest on. It’s where my community is. It’s where I get to share my life and peak into everyone else’s life.

I was amazed when Natasha called my name.

I am STILL amazed that Natasha called my name.

And as I accepted my award and looked out over that sea of people smiling and clapping and cheering, I was overwhelmed.

Because I knew right then and there that I had found my people.

After years of feeling like I didn’t quite fit in in this blogging dancerie ( stealing from Luvvie and Mary J) , that I didn’t quite have anyone who got me but my Fab 5 and a few others, that I wasn’t doing things quite right, I realized that I can stop trying to change myself and my spaces to fit in.

Mom 2 Summit 2017

Because I’ve found my tribe. I didn’t meet a stranger at Mom 2.0. It didn’t feel like I was meeting anyone new. It felt like FAMILY.

That’s special.

That’s rare.

That’s Mom 2.0






  1. What an amazingly inspiring and heartfelt post. I believe that when you “walk in your truth”, it is embraced by others. Sounds like you’re strutting in yours. 🙂

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