First Friday Fhoto

Good Morning Folks!

I have decided to start a new feature here at My Life.  It’s going to be called First Friday Fhoto.  Yeah Yeah, it’s spelled wrong, but goooo with it folks! Goooooo with it!

Also, I know it’s not the first Friday of the month, but well, I just got the idea this morning, so sue me.  Regularly scheduled programming will commence next month. :-).

As you know( or may not know) I got a new camera.  And I LOOOVE it.  It takes the most wonderful photos right out of the box.  But I want a little more control in my photography so that I can get those wonderful photos like I see floating around the web.  So, I am taking a photography class, and I’ve signed up with the SITS girls for the SITS first monthly Photo Challenge!  I am admittedly an amateur, but what better way to get feedback and ideas than to participate?

Each month has a theme, and this month is children and pets.

Oh yeah, I take a LOT of photos of one paritiular child…..

So below you will find my first submission to a photo blog challenge. Go on over and check out the other submissions and ….. PLEASE VOTE FOR MEEEEE!!! LOL!


Grandpa’s Shoes





  1. I am seriously in the market for a new (fancy-ish) camera. Please let us know how you like it. And I want to take a photography class too!

  2. Cute picture! Camera envy. *lol* what kind do you have? Maybe if I can keep up with my workouts this month I will buy myself reward.

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