Morning and a Photography Tip on Shutter Speed

I think we’ll have eggs for breakfast…..


 Taken with Canon 6D and Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 Lens

Settings: Aperture f/7.1 Shutter Speed: 1/40 ISO 6400

Photography Tip: See the low Shutter Speed of 1/40? The only reason this is not a blurry photo is because I took this photo using a tripod. When taking photos, the best practice is to have your shutter speed equal to AT LEAST the focal length of your lens. This lens is heavy, so normally, I would have kept it at at LEAST 1/100. But if I had been using this lens when shooting my son( moving toddler) I would have had my shutter speed at at least 1/200.  

Don’t forget, it’s Week 2 of Our Project 52! Head on over and link up. It doesn’t matter that we are on week two, jump right in. We’d love to see how your mornings look!


  1. Thanks for the tip! I’ve had my DSLR for ages, but have never done much to learn about how it works. Thanks to #OurProject52 tho- I’m attempting to learn a bit more about my camera. I finally bothered to read far enough into the manual to discover what the “scene” setting on my camera is and how to change it. It has some pretty handy presets. But I still haven’t figured out how to just set the shutter speed and such. I’m sure I’ll get there eventually though.

  2. Looks great! Makes me a little sad! In Hawaii I can’t buy eggs because they cost at least $6 for a carton of 12. So I’ve been getting egg beaters I’ll have to save eggs for special occasions now. Haha.

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