How to use VSCOcam for Instagram

How to use VSCOcam For Instagram

how to use VSCO for Instagram

I often get asked how I edit on my iPhone. When I talked about my favorite apps for Instagram, I talked about  my go to app for editing, VSCOcam.( Remember, you can also get this app on Android!)

I love it.

It’s simple, it’s pretty and it’s fast.

So today I’m going to show use how I use VSCOcam for Instagram.

Last week, I took this photo

editing with vsco cam



And so far, it’s been one of my most liked photos on Instagram to date.


Pookah and I were just sitting watching some Disney show when he grabbed my hand. It took a picture, and this is what it looked like, straight out of camera:

vsco edit


I KNEW immediately that it would have to be in black and white. Mainly because when I want emotion to shine in a photo, I choose to edit in Black and White.


The first thing I did was pull it into VSCO and rotate the photo:

vsco edit


Next, I used one of my favorite presets( I have them placed in order of preference) the Legacy 03 preset to convert it to black and white.

vsco cam

Nice but….

I then pulled up the exposure:


Then added a little contrast to make it pop:

editing with vscocam

And finally, a little sharpening.

editing with VSCO


editing with vscocam

See that area on the right? It was green in the original photo( Pookah’s shirt) and now it’s just a white distracting blob in my photo.


I quickly pulled the image into the Touch Retouch App. (Remember when I talked about it here?)

editing with vscocam

And easily  removed the distraction.

editing with vscocam

And BAM!!

There it is.

editing with VSCOcam app

I then uploaded it to Square-ready, and sent it to Instagram.

Easy peasy right?

And that is how I use VSCOcam for Instagram

Any questions?


Check out Instagram Moms Who Keep It Real

by Monica Marino at Mode


  1. You know I love that app and I have been doing some thangs with it. With my new phone hopefully my cell pictures will be more clear now we shall see

  2. Wow! What an amazing transformation a bit of editing can do. I have a few fave apps but haven’t tried this one yet…Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. VSCOcam is one of my favorite image editing apps! It’s amazing to watch the steps you took to get the final picture. It turned out gorgeous! I’m currently downloading the touch retouch app! I can’t wait to use it. I’m sure it’s worth the 99 cents.

  4. Wow! I am definitely going to look into that app. I’ve thought about upgrading to a better camera or spending a bunch of money on Photoshop, but this looks great because I take all my blog photos from my iPhone!

  5. Oh man, that is too cool! I see a lot of people tagging #vsco on instagram, but I never opened it when I downloaded it. I need to give it a real try!

  6. Hi! Beautiful photo! This may seem like a rooky question, but how do you get the edited photo from vscocam to instagram?

    1. THank you! You can do that two ways! The first is through the actual app, you can share. THere is little circle at the right hand side. Click on it. the first option is share. From there you can share it to instagtam. OR you can save it to your phone and THEN load it into Instagram like that!

      1. Thank you so much for your reply. I see the share options, but instagram is not an option. I have an account so not sure why it’s not showing up. Another rooky question… how do I save the image to my phone? I am a total newbie at this…as you can see:))

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