2019 October Photo a Day
My favorite month of the year is right around the corner and it’s time for the 2019 October Photo a Day Challenge! I love doing these challenges 4 times a year, but the October one remains my favorite! Every time I do one of these, I meet new people and get to see Fall in different parts of the country and the world.
SO! Starting Next Tuesday, October 1st, join me on Instagram for a photo challenge to spark your creativity and just capture your version of fall.
How to Join up:
Simple: Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your inspiration.
Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #everydayphotoaday.
Go through the #Everydayphotoaday hashtag to like and comment and be a part of the community.
And new this year, I’ve started an Instagram account to share your photos! If you want a chance to be featured, TAG your photos #EVERYDAYPHOTOADAY and go over to @theeverydayeyecandyproject to see if you’ve been featured!
If you need an easy way to remember the prompts, CLICK here or the photo above to download it to your computer or your phone. OR just take a screenshot and save it!
I can’t wait to see what you guys share for the 2019 October Photo A Day Challenge!
And now, an explanation of the prompts…
1.Hello October ( intros): Introduce yourself
2. What I’m reading now: show us or tell us what you are reading or what you plan on reading
3. What you wore: What did you wear today?
4. Working 9-5 or…? Where do you work? Tell us about your work.
5. Saturday: What does your Saturday look like?
6. Breakfast or Brunch: It’s Sunday? Are you having Breakfast or Brunch?
7. Favorite Quote: What saying or quote gets you going or is your favorite?
8. Morning Routine: Do you have a morning routine? Tell us about it
9. Pink: Something pink or share your support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
10. From Above: Take a shot from above
11. Pumpkins: Peak fall! Show us the pumpkins!
12. Everyday I…: What do you do everyday?
13. Black and White: Take a black and white photo.
14. Friends: Share your friends!
15. Where You Live: Show us where you live! Your city, your town, your home! Share!
16. Selfie: Take a selfie. Share. #thatisall
17. In My Cup: What’s in your cup?
18. Your choice: Share a photo of whatever you choose today!
19. Currently: Share what are you currently up to?
20. Memories: Share a memory!
21. Front Porch: What does your front porch look like? Is it decorated for fall?
22. 3 Things about you: Help us get to know you!
23. My Favorite Fall Things: What are your favorite things about fall?
24. The gram vs real life: Share the you behind the feed. You vs your representative
25. Tastes Like Candy: Halloween Candy!!!
26. Today I…: What did you do today?
27. Orange Yellow Red: share something in the colors of fall.
28. My Happy Place: Where is your happy place?
29. An Ordinary Moment: Share just a random everyday moment.
30. C is For…: Share something that starts with a c: candy, costume, cake…
31. Boo: Happy Halloween!
Again, can’t wait to see all of your photos!
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