Top Five Herbs for a Container Garden
It’s the first Friday of the month, and the second edition of the Top 5 series! The theme this month is our Top 5 things for spring.
I’ve wanted to start a container garden for sometime. A good raised bed garden would be ideal, but I can’t get the male of the house to build me one and I am not handy like that so….
A container garden it shall be. I didn’t want to get adventurous my first time around, but since I moved into this house, I’ve wanted a little herb garden for my patio. It gets full sun ALL the time, so I needed to find things that would withstand that.
I did my research and found: The top 5 Herbs for a Container Garden.
I figured, since Pookah is always eager to help, and he needs to learn about growing things, it would be a perfect little project for the two of us. So I headed to Lowes and got everything I THOUGHT we needed. And one Saturday, we planted.
1. Basil: Everyone needs basil in their herb garden. It grows best in full sun.I use it in a lot of dishes, but not every week. It gets expensive to keep having to buy it so it was a natural choice for our little kitchen container garden.
2. Chives: Basically tiny onions, chives are gown for their leaves and blooms but not the bulbs. These plants can tolerate a small amount of shade, but grow best in full sun.
3. Cilantro: Also known as coriander, Cilantro is good for your stir fry, your chicken, fish..anything really. And of course, it’s a full sun herb, perfect for my container garden
4. Mint: Mint, I’ve heard, can take over, so it is best contained in a pot. It’s a full sun herb and I can’t wait to add this to my mojitos this summer!
5. Rosemary: I already have a large rosemary bush that I discovered growing in my back yard. But it’s wild and we’re about to cut it back. But since I cook with this one a LOT, I’m making sure to replant it in my patio container garden.
Pookah and I had fun planting the herbs. It was a mess, but so much fun!
Have you ever planted an herb garden! Share your tips!
Now don’t forget to head on over to the ladies to see what their top 5 ideas for Spring are!
Kita: Top 5 spring drinks
Bernetta: Top 5 Spring Dresses
MJ: Top 5 Spring Crafts for Kids
I have never planted. Plants and I don’t get along at all. It’s sad *sigh* but I think having your own garden and watching it grow is so great and to get the kids involved too they would love to watch what they planted grow into something big.
This is helpful! I only have a small window ledge and I totally forgot to get a rosemary plant! The way the smell makes me so happy!
We will be startinf our herb garden next week. Like you the male has yet to build the raise bed for us but I loved our container garden last year so we will be back at it.
You will have basil forever! Just remember to put it in a large pot once they start to grow.
Mint is one of my favs to grow too. I plan to grow it in ground at some point because it comes back year after year on its own. That’s a win! Mojitos & mint tea all day. LOL
Of all the things I’ve planted I’ve gotten my herbs started. Will be doing that this weekend. Last year I bout a mint plant because I needed my mint mojitos ready to go!! This year I will start from seed since it’s early and I have time.
I like how this is so doable and it makes me really want to get my children involved and growing something. Thanks for the idea! Once this winter chill is gone, we will have our own homegrown herbs!!
I’ve never planted…I’m not really good with green things. I think they call it a black thumb, lol. It does look like a fun time with the kids and an educational opportunity, though. I just dread having to explain that mommy killed all the plants.
These sound like some great herbs. I know you are going to be so relieved to not have to run to the store and purchase these items in the store. Looks like Pookah really enjoyed helping you plant your garden.
I love this post! I’ve always wanted a little garden and I think it would be fun to do with Hudson!
I have been practicing with an herb garden and flowers for two years so that I can be competent in showing my daughter how to grow food. This year we are adding a salad garden to the mix. I think she will enjoy the idea of being able to eat what she grew.
Love, love, love when kids help with gardening! Such a great experience for us and them! Basil is my favorite, can’t keep enough of it in our garden.
As much as I enjoyed and LOVE this post… I just say NO! To gardening and plants… I do not have a green thumb at all. Please share the ending results… Thanks!
This is really great information. My daughter and I will most definitely put our garden together next weekend. Side note: Your little is so precious and engaged. I love it.
I have always wanted to start an herb garden. I tried once before because this lady at my job gave her coworkers free basil and oregano but mine withered away and died. Perhaps one day I will find my green thumb.
Such a cool project for you and little man. I’ve always wanted my own garden, I’ve even wanted that indoor setup with the artificial lighting just to have one, glad you’ll get to have one on deck!
After reading this I’m ready to head out to the store and pick up some seeds. I already bought a rosemary plant that I’m going to put out in front of the house. I love the way it smells when you walk by it.
I use a lot of basil and you’re right it’s expensive if you’re buying it from the store. Thankfully, I scored some of those starter garden spike things from Target when they went on clearance last year. I got lots of basil and can’t wait until they start sprouting.
I’ve never had much of a green thumb, but this inspires me!