5 Instagram Trends to Watch in 2019

Instagram has evolved a lot this year and I expect it to continue to do so in 2019. Things are changing and so should we. Remember those that don’t evolve get left behind! So in this last email of the year, I thought I’d share with you 5 Instagram Trends to watch in  2019 that I think you should be aware of so that you can continue to be successful on Instagram in 2019.

So lets get to it.

5 Instagram Trends to Watch in 2019

5 instagram trends to watch in 2019

1. Engagement on your feed will go down..because it will go up everywhere else.

Don’t panic Lol! In-feed engagement has been decreasing all year and I know a lot of you are getting discouraged because I hear it all of the time. The reasons are varied:

  • Instagram cracked down again on bots and third-party apps being used for engagement and likes. This is leading to a decrease in the number of likes and comments you were getting from people using these services.
  • DMs. People love to DM. I’ve had people not comment on my actual post, but come in my DM’s to tell me their opinion. Instagram users love that DM’s give you the ability to have quick and easy one on one conversations with brands and influencers. It still builds engagement, just in a different way.
  • Instagram stories. With more people than ever using Instagram stories, there are fewer eyes on your posts. People go straight to stories before they even touch their feeds. Some never make it to their feeds unless they are directed there by your stories. I know there are some days when I watch Stories like it’s Netflix, Just binging away. EVERYONE ELSE is doing the same thing.

What this means for you: Make sure are posting your best content to your feed. Think QUALITY over QUANTITY.

And that leads me to Trend #2…

2. Instagram Stories


If you do not fully embrace the fact that Instagram Stories is the light and the way for engagement and growth on Instagram then you are going to be left behind in 2019. The majority of Instagram’s active users watch IG stories. They interact with IG stories. . If you want to continue to get engagement on your account and grow your account, you have to be on Instagram Stories CONSISTENTLY. You have to be providing content to your followers on a regular consistent basis.

What this means for you: Make sure you have a consistent presence on IG stories and have a solid plan for your brand and IG Stories

3. Hashtags.

Hashtags aren’t doing what they used to! Gone are the days when you post pretty photos and a ton of hashtags and get more followers. In 2019, hashtags will become more of a way to reach potential followers and engage with them but it will no longer be just this passive way to find and get followers.

What this means for you: Be more selective about what hashtags you are using. Stop picking a hashtag because it’s popular. Research. Find ones that have engagement.


I will be one of the first people to tell you that at first, I thought IGTV was a flop. BUT. I believe that Instagram won’t let it be one. Instagram is going to put more money into IGTV next year by adding new features and functions to make it more popular.

I mean, remember when most of us thought Insta Stories was sad in comparison to Snapchat?

Remember that even though short-form videos are already available on Instagram, and that an IGTV channel allows users and marketers to have the option to post long-form content.

What this means for you: Start thinking about the content you can post over there. At the very least, make sure you have claimed your account an have a presence there.

5. Curated is out, cohesive is in.

The end of the curated feed is here. ( haven’t I been preaching this???) This does not mean that you should stop posting high-quality content: great photos and well-designed captions will remain important. But users are tired of beautiful boring posts that don’t have anything to do with your brand or that doesn’t give them value. That means that using that same stock photo someone else is with a boring caption isn’t going to help you grow in 2019. Users want VALUE. They still want beautiful imagery. Instagram is a VISUAL social network after all. But in 2019, you are going to have to give your audience even more value than ever before. Remember, value can be educational, entertainment, or emotional.

What this means for you: Tell a story which each one of your posts. Remember, the photo is just the beginning of the story. The caption enhances it and continues the story.

These are the Instagram trends to watch in 2019 that I am seeing through all the chatter by experts and posts by Instagram. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to take these next few weeks to revise your own content plan for 2019 so that you can flourish!!  

If you want more tips like these right in your inbox next year, make sure you are on my Instagram Better Email List for exclusive tips and discounts I only share there.

FREE ideas for Instagram Stories!

Using Instagram Stories is an easy way to connect with your audience! Need ideas? Check out this FREE EBook!

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AND if you want my help to help grow your community on Instagram next year, Head over to sign up for one of my Instagram Better offerings that will give you a comprehensive plan for your Instagram this year! 

Instagram better courses to help you with the instagram trends for 2019

That’s it friends!! Happy Holidays!



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