How To Create a Digital Vision Board

How to create a digital vision board! Create a digital vision board without cutting out photos in a magazine using the Canva app.

How to create a digital vision board graphic

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Every year for the last 5 years, I’ve created a vision board. I can always look back and see how my goals and visions for the year have come to life due to my vision board. Last year, after getting rid of all of my magazines, I created a digital version or my vision board and haven’t looked back.

So what is a Vision Board?

A traditional vision board is usually poster board, that has visual representations of a goal or goals that you have. A vision board is a great way to help you to PHYSICALLY see your goals on paper…or on your phone or computer your daily and help you manifest and reach them.The subconscious mind is a powerful tool and a vision board and it’s collection of images is a great way to practice the law of attraction or to manifest the life you desire.

Energy flows where attention goes and Vision boards are a powerful way to help you clarify and get extremely clear on what you want to happen in your life. They are visual representations of your goals.

So before you get started, you need to be very clear on what your goals and desires are. Not just: I want to save money. But more: I want to save 5K by the end on the year. Not just I want to be healthy. But I want workout everyday for 30 minutes. You want very specific goals.

Then pick photos * your own photos, or others), phrases, affirmations and inspirational quotes or words that show what you want. And remember, it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but you. There is no wrong way to manifest your dream life.

How to Get Started

Ok, now that we have talked about what you want to put on your board, let’s talk about how to make your own digital vision board using Canva.

When creating a regular vision board, you go and you gather a lot of magazines, get your scissors and your glue and go searching for words, photos and phrases to make a photo collage of sorts that completes your vision.

For a digital vision board, you do the same…but online.

For photos you can use photos you already have, or free stock photography site like Unsplash or Pixabay or even Canva.

To find what you want , search short and simple terms and phrases to see what comes up: like reading, money, saving, beach, mom etc.

Create A Digital Vision Board in Canva

You can use the app or the desktop version of Canva , the paid or free version to create your Digital Vision Board.

Here are the steps I take in Canva to make my vision board

  1. First thing, Open the Canva app or website.
  2. Go to the Create a Design and select the (+) icon next to Custom Size
  3. Depending on if you want horizontal or Vertical, choose your size. Something big. Since I want to print mine out using Canva,vertically, I chose 18×24 inches.
  4. Set Up Your Grid or freestyle your design.
  5. Use images and text from canva and from your desktop
  6. Print or download your vision board and start manifesting!

Here is my finished Digital Vision Board for 2021:

digital vision board made with Canva

I print my board out using Canva so that I have a physical vision board to hang on my wall. I also download it and use it as wallpaper on my phone so that I see it as soon as I open my phone DAILY and be inspired everyday!

If you want to print out your own vision board, or want to get started, check out these books and the cork board I used to hang my vision board in my office right above my desk.

Hopefully this post helps you make a visual representation of your dreams. It’s an easy way to make a vision board and less time to make one than finding magazine and pasting. The digital vision board is a great option for making your yearly vision board. Hopefully this helps!

Questions? Watch the Video of me creating a digital vision board in Canva!

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