Everyday Summer 100: The first 10 days….

I know some people just started their summer, but we are almost TWO weeks in over here! If you follow me on Instagram,  you’ve seen most of these. But..I take more than one photo a day so….

So every Saturday, I’ll be sharing our summer adventures: the fun, the mundane, the pretty all during summer.


First day of summer vacation. Mom guilt is real

Day 2 of 100 days of summer: Fun times with this cutie at Lego Land

Day 2 of summer break: movie time at lego land

Day 2 of 100 days of summer: Pizza at Uncle Maddios. His favorite.

Lonely and bored Day 3

Road trip time!!!! At least he's got his games. LOL

Day 4: Family. Trying to get a good family portrait is....


Day 5: Just a game of checkers at Cracker Barrel.

Day 6: he goes everywhere with me....EVERYWHERE

Day 7: bath time is really play time.

Day 8: This one...is going to be in second grade

Day8: Just registered him for 2nd grade. Where has the time gone?

day 8: The quest for summer treats.

Day 8: Sad baby when we couldn't find a gluten free donut.

Day 9: father and son chilling

Day 10: flip flops

day 10: he's so happy.




  1. These are great! I really hope I get my act together to do this project, still trying to mutter my way through the last few days if school!

  2. You know we went to Revolutionary Donuts on Friday and they were sold out….I was hot you heard me hot! Love the pics

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