Join The Year Of You Challenge

If last year taught us anything, it’s that we have to take care of ourselves.

I know a lot of us tend to put everyone else before ourselves. Why? Because we are caregivers, because we are moms, because we are wives.

But friends!

We cannot pour from empty cups.

2020 taught us that despite everything going on around us in the world, we still have to find ways to take care of us.

So I have a challenge for you.

Dedicate this next year to you. From finding peaceful moments, to making joy a priority, do the work this year that will make you a priority in your life. 

I’m calling this..

The Year Of You

the year of you graphic

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It’s a year long challenge designed to help you dedicate this next year to you. From finding peaceful moments, to making YOUR joy a priority to doing that work that will make you a priority in your life.

Our challenge will be divided into 4 parts, three months each:

1.Find Your Pocket of Peace

Dedicated to finding time to focus on something that fills your cup.

2. Get Organized

Dedicated to organizing the space around you to keep that newly found peace.

3. Do the Work aka Getting ish Done

Is there something on your bucket list you want to accomplish but it never feels like the right time? Well you’ve found your daily pockets of peace and you have organized your life so now it’s time to Get ish Done.

4. Find Your Joy

Claim you JOY and watch it come to life. We will talk about ways to find and keep that joy and recenter after a year of putting in the work.

So let’s get into the Challenge: Finding Your Pocket of Peace.

self care waking up 30 minutes early a day to find time for you. Your pocket of peace

Earlier this week, I talked about how 2020 forced me to find my pockets of peace. Spaces in my life that were just for me, in the midst of the chaos of the year.

I learned the hard way, that you can’t pour from an empty cup, because in order to pour, you have to have something to pour from.

I started giving myself what I needed, even if it was in small doses of snatched time.

I practiced self care.

Now before you click away, let me say that self care has gotten a bad wrap. It’s been misunderstood as something that is a luxury or a privilege to be able to practice.

But self -care is just that: taking care of yourself.

Remember that Self Care looks different for everyone. And only you can define it for yourself.

So this year, to help us all remember that in order to take care of and do our best for others that we have to take care of ourselves first, I want to do a challenge for the first three months of this year to help us develop the habit of finding time for ourselves.

Don’t worry, it’s really simple:

Wake up 30 minutes earlier than you do now.

To find time for those pockets of peace.

You can use this time for anything, as long as it is for YOU.

It’s not for work. It’s not for your child or your significant other.


I want you to use those 30 minutes to journal, read, color, meditate, say your affirmations, workout, daydream or whatever helps to center you. 

Give yourself the gift of just 30 minutes out of your day. Make time for YOU.

Are you ready???

Let’s find our pockets of peace friends!

Book and Post Suggestions to Help You

My Post on How to Wake up at 5 am

My Miracle Morning By Hal Elrod

The Year of Yes By Shonda Rhymes

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think By Laura Vanderkam

The Five Minute Journal

My Ebook: 100 Morning Affirmations


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