Letters to our Children: September

Letters to our children: this month, we had to talk about bullying. I wasn't ready....






Dear Pookah,

This month had challenges that I wasn’t ready for: Bullying.

When you came home and told me you didn’t want to go to school anymore, I knew something was up.

And when you told me what your “friend” had done……

I wasn’t ready.

I wasn’t ready for the hurt in your eyes, your voice telling me that you just didn’t understand.

I wasn’t ready to have to explain that not everyone can and is entitled to be your friend.

Your Daddy and I had to talk to you about defending yourself.

And I had to promise to speak to the teacher.

But I feared that your spirit had been broken.

Luckily, since you go to a small school, it was a simple enough thing to work out. Especially since we know the “friend’s ” parents and spoke to them personally.

And by the next week,  all was well.

You rebounded.

You seem “back to normal”.


Well adjusted.

Friends with your “friend” again. ( Even though to be fair, you waited a week after his very public apology to decide you wanted to be friends with him again. LOL)

But I feel like that little bit of little boy innocence you were holding on to is now gone.

You seem a little less open, a little more…grown up.

And I hate that for you.

But it was a lesson you had to learn, I just wish it hadn’t been so early.

But I’m proud of how you handled yourself my boy.

Love you



This letter is a monthly letter that I do for my son. If you want to do your own letter, DO IT! And link up below so that I can read!


  1. It’s real….in all schools. Kids see it from somewhere and they do it too. Kids aren’t born bullies….my son was being so I had to teach him how to stand up for himself without being rude.

  2. Bullying is starting earlier and earlier.
    Thankfully, you could resolve it with the bully and his parents.
    I’m dreading the idea of middle school because apparently that’s when it gets out of control.

    Great job, Pookah for bouncing back and forgiving.

  3. Ugh! We’re here too. We just had that talk over that last week and more this weekend after some kids at “Kids church” were acting foul. I HATE it. I looked at my little mans face looking off as we talked to him about defending himself and my heart broke. WHY so soon? Why can’t he just be the carefree kid he is?

  4. I am so sorry that this happened. I add our experience here as well, from church school to the classroom. I just want to shelter my son, but I know that I can not. I continue to pray God´s covering and protection for him and all the children.

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