Letters To My Son: Today You Are 13
Dear Pookah Bear,
Today, my baby, you are 13.

I teared up just typing that.
I remember when you turned 10, I felt like it hit me hard at how fast you were changing. How mature you were becoming.
These past three years, through a pandemic and middle school and watching you adapt and mature through all of that has taught me one thing:
You are amazing.
I know every parent thinks this about their child, but you really are amazing.

I think every year I write that I am fascinated by how your mind works, what you think and who you are becoming. I sit in amazement at your confidence in yourself, your competitiveness, your bravado, your swag.
I watch you cook your breakfast, or listen to your opinion on something happening in the news , listen to teachers call you mature , hear you thank me for something simple, or watch you play basketball with your Dad and all I can think is…isn’t he a beautiful soul?
As we enter these teen years, I know there will be trials to come. I mean, already I feel our will butting up against yours as you try to stretch your wings and learn more about who you are becoming.
You are strong willed like your mama so I know that there will be disagreements, lessons to learn on both our parts, some tears and lots of joy.

You are my light, my joy, you make me smile even when I’m mad at you.
I loved you when you were first placed in my arms and I love you more every single day.
It is a privilege to be your mother.
I am so so proud of you.
Proud of the young man I see you becoming.
Happy Birthday ,
Love Mom
Now I’m all teary-eyed right along with you, Mama. I’m so grateful we get these glimpses of the amazing boy-into-man you are raising. He is truly wonderful.