Letters To My Sons: Back to School

Dear Pookah,
Friday, when we went to the back to school orientation for the new school year, your new teacher said something that stuck with me all weekend: First grade is a whole new ballgame.

She was, of course, responding to the dazed looks on all the parents faces as she talked of homework folders, tutoring, spelling words, and writing sentences.

You were sitting with your friends behind me and when I turned around I was struck by how much OLDER you looked. How mature.

Letters to Our Sons: Back to School

How much you LOOKED the part of a first grader.

Where has my little boy gone?

It seems like one day I looked up and you were over half my height, your foot had grown to a size 3 and your clothes were leaning towards the double digits again( size 10??? REALLY??)

You are reading me a story at night.


But there are still glimpses of my little boy: the way you still have to touch or squeeze my arm like you did when you were breastfeeding, your need for cuddle time, and the way you randomly say “I love you”.  And the silliness. God, the silliness

Letters to Our Sons: Back to School

Letters to Our Sons: Back to School

Letters to Our Sons: Back to School

Letters to Our Sons: Back to School

I am  still a little shell-shocked today as I pack your book bag and get your lunch ready this morning for your first day of school.

I am so amazed and proud of the boy you are becoming.

Have a great school year.

Love ,



This post is a revival of my Letters To My Sons Blog Circle that I participated in last year.  I wanted to revive it, simply because it was wonderful to write a letter every month to Pookah and then look back on it at the end of the year. I even printed them out with Blurb and it is wonderful to look back and read what I was thinking as a mom at that point in Pookah’s life.  Is anyone interested in joining up with me for next month and making this a blog circle called Letters to Our Children? It could be for boys and girls. Email me at [email protected] or request to join our Facebook group here

*Some links in the post are affiliate links meaning that at no additional cost to you, I may get a commission is you make a purchase.*



  1. First of all, you son has a contagious smile that brightened my day! How can you now smile? he is such a cutie! What a great thing to do in writing letters to your son! Over a period of time, what a great story they all would tell! Something to be treasured for sure!

  2. Ahhh yes first grade. They grow fast this one here and I argue everyday because she wants to dress in jewels dripping to the ground…be blessed you have a boy. Getting a girl ready every morning for school works my last

  3. This was so sweet! I’d love to participate in the circle. I wrote one to my son before he was born but it was on my old blog and I haven’t written another one. He’s so cute! That smile is contagious.

  4. I absolutely love this. As I watch my kids grow, I’m full of so much pride an hope for their futures. At the same time, I wish I could zap them with a time-freezing ray gun and make them stop growing! It’s a bit of a mixed bag of bitter-sweetness when you’re raising kids.

  5. What a lovely letter you wrote for your son’s first day of school. This will be treasured and it would be fun to read it together when he is much older. He is so adorable and I love his smile. He looks so excited to be a first grader.

  6. I love these letters, I may have to borrow them for my son. It’s so fascinating to see how time flies and how our little guys mature and we have to keep up! I hope he has an awesome first day and school year!

  7. I want to cry reading this! It’s so sweet. And I was struck, too, at how much of a big boy he is now! I pray his first grade year with the best ever!

  8. This post makes me remember the movie we just watched last weekend. It also spoke about writing a letter to a loved one regularly. Once a month is enough and I think these letters would have more meaning when your son reads it as he becomes an adult. Cherish this moment with your kid.

  9. Oh my goodness, what a cutie you have! This such a sweet letter and a beautiful keepsake for him to have later in life! Wishing you all the best with the back to school season!

  10. I just registered my son for preschool today! It is only a two day program but I can’t believe he will be there starting on September 1st. It will certainly be a change. I can’t believe it’s the back to school session already!

  11. Oh so sweet. Look how adorable and happy he is. I feel like he is growing right before my scrolling your site eyes so I can just imagine how you feel. I love this post and I am so glad you started it again. Sign me up for the blog circle. I really want to do this.

  12. Your sons smile is amazing! I love that you write him letters, what a great way to capture so many memories. I can relate, I feel like my son who is ready to start third grade was just starting kindergarten yesterday! Good luck mom!

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