October Photo a Day (2024)
My favorite month of the year is right around the corner and it’s time for the 2024 October Photo a Day Challenge!
I love doing these challenges 4 times a year, but the October one remains my favorite! Every time I do one of these, I meet new people and get to see Fall in different parts of the country and the world.
SO! Starting Tuesday, October 1st, join me on Instagram for a photo challenge to spark your creativity and just capture your version of fall.
Want to join us? This is what I need you to do:
1. SAVE THIS POST on instagram in a collection so you can refer back to it!
2. SHARE it with your friends so they can participate too! The more the merrier!
3. Check this list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your inspiration!
4. Share your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #everydayphotoaday.
5. Go through the #everydayphotoaday hashtag ( make it easy and follow the hashtag so it shows up in your feed) and like ,comment and find new friends in the community!
And now, an explanation of the prompts…
1.Hello October: Share your fav october things, a photo of you, introduce yourself
2.Tell me about that Book: what are you reading
3.A memory: throwback Thursday
4.Cozy Things: what makes you feel cozy?
5 The Gram vs real life: share what’s real and what’s not
6.Breakfast or brunch
7Morning things: share your morning
8. Something Orange: tis the season of orange
9. 8’oclock am or pm
10.My Favorite Fall things
11.Leaves: what do the leaves look like where you are?
12.Saturday Things: what’s going on
13.sunday Reset: how do you get ready for the week?
15.an ordinary moment: just share something normal.
16.Tastes like Candy: Halloween candy
17. Yellow: share something yellow
18.Your Choice: share whatever you like
19. Today I…share what happened to you today
20. Routine: what is a part of your routine
21.Sweater weather: what are you wearing? OOTD
22.The Front Porch: share your fall front porch
23 Comfort Food: share your favorite fall-ish meal
24.Last Year Today: throwback if you have it what were you doing around this time last year
25.Outside my window: what fall view do you have?
26. Fall Weekending: what does a fall weekend look like to you
27. Sunday Afternoon: share yours
28.My Current View: what are you looking at
29.A Selfie
30. Photographers Choice
31 Boo
Can’t wait to see everyone’s photos!