August Eyecandy: A Photo a Day Challenge


It’s almost August and I have that itch…that itch to do a photo a day project for a month. I’ve only been successful with a 365 project ONCE, and frankly, just can’t make the commitment again at this time. That’s why I love doing photo a day projects throughout the year. They are a good way to jump-start your creativity and pick up your camera.  Because you can only get better by practicing! So starting Tuesday, August 1st, I will be hosting August Eyecandy Photo a day Project over on Instagram! Join us!

August Photo a Day Challenge. Join us on Instagram with the hashtag #augusteyecandy

 How to Participate

  • Simple: Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your inspiration.
  • Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #augusteyecandy.
  • Go through the #augusteyecandy hashtag to like and comment and be a part of the community.
  • Every Friday in August, I will go through and share four photos from the hashtag that have captured my attention.
  • If you need an easy way to remember the prompts, CLICK here or the photo above to download it to your computer or your phone. OR just take a screenshot and save it!

Here is an explanation of all the prompts for the August Photo A Day….


  1. Faceless Self Portrait: Take a photo of yourself, but don’t include your face! Be creative!
  2. 5 o’clock: Show us what you are doing at 5 am or 5 pm
  3. Summertime: Show us summertime in your neck of the woods
  4. On the Street: a little street photography. What do you see?
  5. Coffee vs Tea: Which one do you drink?
  6. Sunrise or Sunset: capture one!
  7. Childhood: show us an example of childhood
  8. I wish…: what do you wish for?
  9. Inside Your Fridge: What’s inside your fridge?
  10. Where You Work: show us where you spend your work day
  11. Black and White: take a photo and convert it into black and white. Or show us something that IS black and white
  12. Made You Smile: what made you smile today?
  13. Guilty Pleasure: what’s your guilty pleasure?
  14. But First…: what do you need to do first?
  15. Dinner: what did you have for dinner?
  16. Something Red: Something red!
  17. In Your Bag: what’s in your bag? Share!!!!
  18. What I read: what are you reading this month?
  19. Morning Light: show us that morning light where you are!
  20. Sunday Funday: What are you doing fun on this Sunday?
  21. Breakfast: What’s for breakfast?
  22. A Portrait: take a photo of someone
  23. The Sky Today: what did the sky look like? Cloudy? Sunshine?
  24. What You Wore: What did you wear today? Show off!
  25. From Above: Take a photo from a bird’s eye view
  26. I’m Grateful For: what are you grateful for today?
  27. My Favorite: show us your favorite…something…
  28. Out of Focus:  Get creative, show an out of focus photo or bokeh!
  29. Everyday..: what do you do every day?
  30. Starts with a T: find something that starts with a T
  31. A selfie: Take a full on selfie! Don’t be ashamed!


I can’t wait to see everyone’s photos! Make sure you are following me on Instagram @lashawnwiltz! See you Tuesday!

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