
Happy Summer friends! How is everybody doing? We are…maintaining. LOL. Summer is in full swing and I’m struggling to maintain any type of schedule around here. Life is not exactly stagnant, but it’s not full swing either. It’s just…life.

Anyway, despite all of that, there is still a lot currently going on around here. Keep reading to find out what’s currently going on in my life…

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Tired of being in this house, slightly depressed, content, anxious,hopeful, mad, sad, all of the above all at the same time. Anyone else?


Today I’m trying to finish the new book by Kevin Kwan: Sex and Vanity. On the one hand, it’s fascinating and fun. On the other hand, one of the main characters is working my last nerve and I need to the book to be over before I cuss her.

Is that a good review? I’ll let you know when I’m done. Make sure you are following me on GoodReads for my review.


Ok, I know that last time we talked, I was eating all the things. Well, I’ve toned that down. LOL So mainly my treat is Avocado Toast with my homemade Nothing But The Bagel seasoning and bacon. I mean, I need something to look forward to.


To audiobooks. I normally wouldn’t, but I’ve found they are really good when I’m cleaning and driving, or just chilling in the hammock. Currently listening to Sarah J Mass’s Crescent City which I read earlier this year, but there was so much world-building, I wanted to go through it again. Everyone should have an Audible account or a Chirp Account or an Overdrive Account.


photo via Netflix

I keep starting series and then falling off. I am not one of those folks who can just sit and watch for long these days. I do have a list:

Peaky Binders

Sweet Magnolias

Big Little Lies

The Umbrella Academy


Back to School. Our school district decided that it will go back to school mid-August…totally remote.

On the one hand, I’ve been worried about having to make a decision to keep him home anyway and homeschool him ( not my ministry). But this…is like homeschooling with guidance I guess. I’m ok with this plan for now. Even though I’m internally screaming because I feel like I will never be alone again.




All the new books I’ve discovered?

Playing Uno with the boy?

Riding my Peloton in the morning to relieve stress?


Yes, it’s a struggle right now, but that’s why I’m still trying to remember to do my 5 Minute Journal everyday when I write down 3 things I’m grateful for.

But the struggle is real friends.

So that’s what I’m currently up to in these Covid Streets! What have you been up to?


  1. Thank you for sharing! I sat unemployed for about three months and managed to review all the possible series. So I decided to find something new and started reading Kevin Kwan’s book: Sex and Vanity and it dragged me on. I love short stories so this was a good reading option. Have you finished reading this book? What do you think about this? I did not watch a couple of TV shows that you mentioned, be sure to watch!

  2. That bike is my savior! Working from home, I have replaced my commute time with reading (used to spend it with podcasts). I also am able to find time at lunch to read, a much better alternative to eating at my desk. Plowing thru the books is such a nice break from laptop/devices.

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