July Photo a Day Prompts: Cherish Everyday 365
Here are the July Photo a Day Prompts for our Cherish Everyday 365 photography project.
It’s already July! For some,summer is just beginning and for others, we are in the thick of it. Whatever July looks like in your part of the world, we wat to see it!
I know this year, summer looks SO DIFFERENT than years before. We all are finding new ways to have fun this summer and keep our kids occupied, and we should document that.
Don’t forget, this time will pass, and for our children for our grandchildren and future generations to come, we should document it.
So get out your big girl cameras and your iPhones and document your days.
Participating is simple!
You can join at any time! If you are just joining us for May, that’s ok! If you just want to do May, that’s ok too!
Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your Inspiration.
Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtags #cherisheveryday365 or #cherisheveryday365_JULY a
Go through the #cherisheveryday365 and the #cherisheveryday_July hashtags to like and comment to be a part of the community.
Download the July Photo a Day Prompts here to your phone or print them out for your planner!
If you want tips on how to complete a Project 365 head to the January Post!
I am loving following along with all of the photos coming out of this project and I love getting to know you all! I can’t wait to see more photos this month!
I can’t wait to see what you guys share for this month’s challenge!!
Happy Shooting!