Letters to My Son: We Survived the 2nd Grade

We survived the 2nd grade! Check out this month's edition of my ongoing photography project : letter to My Son.

Dear Pookah,

We survived the 2nd grade!

Your official last day of school was last week and I realized that I have a 3rd grader on my hands.

3rd grade….Where did the time go?

It wasn’t an easy year.

letters to my son


A growing year, I guess you could say. I wasn’t sure if we would all get through in one piece.

But even though we struggled( and still do) with your stubbornness vs mine, your need to be right vs me KNOWING I’m right, your need for independence vs my need to still protect and parent…. we survived.

We survived 2nd grade math, you learned how to write a complete sentence( despite yourself), and your love of reading flourished. ( Along with your obsession with Harry Potter, and Geronamo  Stilton).

You dealt with bullies, learned how to get back up again and I remembered that choosing joy is always the best choice.

And even when I thought you weren’t…you thrived.

letters to my son

letters to my son

Even when I was heartbroken FOR you…that smile remained.

letters to my son

letters to my son

letters to my son

I’ve nervous for the next chapter in your education since we are taking you out of the protected bubble of private school and thrusting you into the world of Public schooling.

You’ll need to make new friends, and find your way once again. I’ll need to be your advocate more than ever and I’m sure we’ll but heads again.

But until then, we have this summer. Time to reboot, relax, and regroup.

And plenty of time to figure it out.

letters to my son

Love Mama


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