October Recap: Apples, Beaches, Strep, and Weddings Oh My!

I just realized that it’s October 30th and I haven’t written anything on this blog since before I went to Turks and Caicos!!

Guys! So much has happened. Basically, Pookah has been sick on and off the whole time and we JUST came back from my brother’s wedding. It’s been a real hot mess around here.

I’ll be writing several recaps about our trip to Beaches and traveling with a kid with allergies and if I think it’s worth it for your family to go. ( It is, trust me)

I also have a few other posts coming down the pipeline about a few things parents need to know about Beaches AND a few things about the Sandals Foundation.

Anyhoo, here is our October in iPhone photos.

Mainly because I have over 800 iPhone photos to go through and only God knows how many from my Canon m50!!

But anyway, here is our October, in photos with a few notes in between.

We started off with a trip to the Apple Orchard with friends!


Then we enjoyed a wonderful, ( even though Pookah got Strep) few days at Beaches Turks and Caicos. ( Much more on that experience later. )


Then, this past weekend, my baby brother married the love of his life and it was beautiful.


And we ended the month back in another urgent care, getting steroids and medical advice for this one.


And the October Photo a Day Challenge over on Instagram was a success. I only forgot to post one time ( yesterday)!

If you love challenges, I’m not doing a formal one for November, but I do like to do a Thankful everyday one. I think this year, I will journal it with photos printed out from my HP Sprocket. But I’ll be back in December for the 4th annual  25 days of Christmas Challenge


One last thing.

Every November for the past…8 years, I’ve done NaBloPoMo( National Blog Posting Month).

If you are an OG blogger, you know that NaBloPoMo was started as a way to encourage not only regular posting on your blog every single day for the month of November, it also was a way to foster a community since we all signed up on a Blogroll on Blogher’s Blog ( gasp remember those) Then you visited other blogs to comment. There were prizes and newly discovered blogs. It was so much fun.

I miss old school blogging.

So every year, Mimi drags me kicking and screaming into doing it.  And even though there is not the community aspect of it anymore( Blogher has bit the dust) I’m always so happy when I’m done.

While it’s not officially on Blogher’s Website this year, I did find this bootleg website with all the rules .

I’ll be doing it again…

Because it’s fun.

Because it forces me to be creative.

Because I like a challenge.

Because I sometimes create some of my best content the month of November.

Just because.

I know I’m not the only one doing it ( again..Mimi..) and I know some folks are doing NaNoWriMo ( national novel writing month) and NaPhoPoMo ( National Photo posting month). But the rules are simple: post content on your blog every day for the 30 days of November.

Try it.

Come on!

Ok that’s all.

See you Thursday!


  1. Lol I won’t be trying it but I blog 3 times a week already. If I do daily I might as well not have any content up for December and take a break. Good luck I will be reading and sharing. I am back to old school blogging and it’s been so refreshing.

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