Secrets to Amazing iPhone Vacation Photos

Are you tired of carrying around your BIG camera when you go on vacation in order to get beautiful vacation photos? Check out my tips for amazing iPhone vacation photos

When we went on vacation a few weekends ago to Jekyll Island, I found myself using my iPhone almost exclusively. It was so easy, so portable so simple. And the photos I produced with my iPhone were just as good as, if not better than the photos I took with my Canon 6D.  It made me realize( or rather remember) that amazing iPhone vacation photos are possible.  So I decided to share a few of my secrets so that you too can have Amazing iPhone vacation photos.

Secrets to Amazing iPhone Photos

  • Tip #1: Do your research.
Are you tired of carrying around your BIG camera when you go on vacation in order to get beautiful vacation photos? Check out my tips for amazing iPhone vacation photos

Before I went to Jekyll island, I studied the #jekyllisland hashtag on Instagram. It gave me an idea of what to expect, and what I wanted to capture myself.  When it came to the Jekyll Island Club Hotel, the iconic photo of the front of the hotel was EVERYWHERE. I knew I wanted to capture it, but I also wanted to be different. But doing my research before hand let me know what to expect. And I got to plan accordingly

  • Tip #2:  Take a Photo Walk
Are you tired of carrying around your BIG camera when you go on vacation in order to get beautiful vacation photos? Check out my tips for amazing iPhone vacation photos

You’ve done your research, you know what you want, wake up early and take a photo walk. Or go when everyone is taking an afternoon nap. Or late in the evening. You can take your time, there are no little people or big people( side eye to spouses) urging you to hurry up. You can take your time, set up your shots, look for that vacation eyecandy! The photo below was taken when the guys were headed in for a bath and I was walking along the property.

Are you tired of carrying around your BIG camera when you go on vacation in order to get beautiful vacation photos? Check out my tips for amazing iPhone vacation photos
  • Tip #3: Remember basic rules of Composition
Are you tired of carrying around your BIG camera when you go on vacation in order to get beautiful vacation photos? Check out my tips for amazing iPhone vacation photos

Look for natural and man-made lines when utilizing leading lines, like the railing headed to the pier above.   And the Rule of thirds almost always helps you to have amazing iPhone vacation Photos.

Are you tired of carrying around your BIG camera when you go on vacation in order to get beautiful vacation photos? Check out my tips for amazing iPhone vacation photos
  • Tip #4 : Always look for natural light.
Are you tired of carrying around your BIG camera when you go on vacation in order to get beautiful vacation photos? Check out my tips for amazing iPhone vacation photos

Even though this photo was taken inside, I found great natural light. The rooms had plantation shutters: I simply opened them up, placed my tray on the bed next to the window and shot away.

Are you tired of carrying around your BIG camera when you go on vacation in order to get beautiful vacation photos? Check out my tips for amazing iPhone vacation photos

Also, one advantage of getting up early: that golden hour light. I knew the light would be beautiful in the morning, and made sure that my light was a part of the story here.

  • Tip #5: Enjoy your vacation!

Don’t let capturing memories take over your vacation. Some of our best memories on vacation are the ones that live only in our minds. As chief memory creators, it can be hard to just put down your camera and enjoy the moment.  Make sure when you are on vacation, you put down your iPhone or your camera and just ENJOY yourself. Remember that not every single detail needs to be captured. Take a few shots and then put your camera away.  Remember, it’s vacation!

Are you tired of carrying around your BIG camera when you go on vacation in order to get beautiful vacation photos? Check out my tips for amazing iPhone vacation photos

So there you have it, my 5 tips for amazing iPhone vacation photos. So they next time you go on vacation, don’t be afraid to pick up your iPhone and shoot!

What kind of camera do you use when you go on vacation?


  1. Beautiful pictures! These are tips I will definitely use on our next outing. I like the tip on finding the natural lines while taking your shot. Jekyll Island is one of my fav places. I always feel like I’m in a Great Gatsby movie. Great post! 🙂

  2. I’m a hashtag hustler too. I love going through hashtags to see what’s current on things I want to shoot or share. I did that with Tanzania and it led a great experience.

  3. I usually leave the DSLR at home and rely totally on my iPhone for vacation photos. I’ve taken some pretty amazing pics with that camera phone and I’m always on the lookout for helpful tips. Your photos and tips are awesome!! I grew up vacationing in Jekyll Island. 🙂

  4. Great photos! It sounds like you know your stuff when it comes to photography. Thank you for sharing these awesome tips and giving us a glimpse of your awesome vacation!

  5. Great pics and great tips! I noticed on our last vacation, the awesome pics that my hubs were getting on his phone so I know its definitely doable! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great tips! I followed tips like this when in San Diego. I thinkt he natural light tip is the best. Nothing beats natural lighting ever!

  7. You did a great job with the photos! I actually originally switched to an iPhone because of the camera quality. I love taking photos myself and until I am able to get a professional camera, my phone works wonders. Thank you for this post. ?

  8. Let me just say I love my iphone6 photos. I actually do look up Instagram hashtags when I go somewhere…is it weird to look for other photo poses??? great tips!

  9. Wow! Your pics are amazing! I don’t have an iPhone and I am always amazed at the pics that people take with their iPhones.
    Looks like you had a great vacation. Thanks for sharing.

  10. *sigh* I won’t say anything but I know that you have to research and I never thought about taking a photo walk I am too scary having my camera or phone near water. I am clumsy.

  11. Those are beautiful vacation photos, and great tips and I totally agree with you on the side eye from spouse and family members they just don’t understand.

  12. These are great tips. I really enjoy taking pictures of my travels as a way to remember but also for my blog. I’m always thinking that I want my reader to feel as if they were there. Great post!

  13. I’m a dSLR devotee, but with luggage restrictions being what they are, it’s not a practical way to travel. A few years ago, I got the Canon G1X, which is a lot more travel friendly, but still kind of a hassle to lug around in a designer bag. I’m off to London tomorrow and decided to rely on my iPhone camera this time… timely post for me, thanks for the tips : -)

  14. I am so amazed that these were taken on your Iphone, I always so pictures like this and think how did they do that. Now I know! I look forward to trying these tips. Thank you!

  15. I think it was your instagram account I commented on a few weeks ago saying how much I loved your photos, and the composition of them. You certainly have a nice eye for photography and should definitely frame some of those pics with your hubby and child! They are awesome, and I love the filtered effects you put on them too (unless it’s natural,I apologize!). 🙂

  16. These are great tips for vacation photos! I love how far our cell phones have come that we can use them like a regular camera!! Your vacation spot looks amazing, I love coastal destinations and vacations on the beach!

  17. These photos are great. I also love the tips. We haven’t been on a vacation in a while but that doesn’t mean I can’t use these tips during a Staycation.

  18. Thanks for the awesome tips! I am a photography beginner when it comes to my Canon Rebel T5i but I can capture a decent shot with my camera phone. I will definitely be trying some of these tips on our upcoming trip to Disney World. 😉

  19. The iPhone camera feature is really great for street photography candid shots and photowalks. Bringing a DSLR along is really heavy, burdening the shoulders. Composition rules are important and it’s just a matter of knowing the right angles that makes someone a better photographer.

  20. Thanks for sharing your secrets on how I can get better photos from my ipphone! Believe it or not, I rarely use my iphone while on holidays for any reason! I have seen friends photos and must explore how to use my iphone more!

  21. These tips are great! Although I do not have an iphone, I think the tips are great for taking pictures with any type of phone! I especially like the tip to take pictures in natural sunlight- I need to work on this!

  22. Ok lets try this again… I love these tips. I am finally embracing all the lessons and getting better with my DSLR but my iphone (5) is always with me so I really want to master taking great shots. I’ll be practicing this weekend. I probably need to upgrade to a 6! Sigh.

  23. I am going to follow your tip of waking up early to take a photo walk next time we are on vacation – it is so true that everyone else in the family is trying to rush me!

  24. Saying hello from Sits Girls Chat!

    These photos are absolutely breathatking. I love your tip about researching the place on Instagram. It’s a great way to look through the place and scope out the scenery before actually getting there. The tip about natural light is also so important, and something that everyone needs to be more conscious of doing. Thanks for sharing this, Lashawn! I’m definitely going to be following these the next time I’m on vacation 🙂

  25. Honestly this is an amazing post and I LOVE your tips! I always think that I need my Canon when I’m out and you’re right, as long as you follow these rules, you don’t need to lug that thing around. I especially love the tip on researching your destination and going on a picture walk. Thank you!

  26. We usually take our cameras (Nikon df full frame + Nikon j1 mirrorless) and use our smartphones to capture a few photos to send to our parents while we are away or for a quick post when we return and haven’t gotten our camera photos organized into files on our computer yet. We also search the hashtag of where we are going if it’s a place we haven’t been before to see if there are some “won’t want to miss” items we may want to capture. Good tips listed.

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