Reclaiming my Sleep: 10 Tips for Better Sleep Tonight
A lot of us are having trouble sleeping right now. Check out these 10 tips for better sleep that will help you sleep better tonight.
Listen, good sleep can change your life! The National Sleep Foundation, which provides the recommendations for sleep, says that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Our Health relies on getting good sleep and making sure that you have the right tools to do it, makes a difference.
About a month ago, I noticed that I was not sleeping as well as I used to. Now, as a busy mom, sleep is IMPERATIVE to me being able to function during the day. But I would find myself tossing and turning all night, constantly checking my alarm clock or just plain uncomfortable. I did some research and decided that I needed to change a few things. I’m happy to say that in the last few weeks, I’ve gotten better sleep than I have in YEARS. Just what this mama needed.
Since sharing is caring, here are
10 Tips For Better Sleep
1.Develop a Routine
My first step was to develop an evening routine. Your body needs time to wind down from the day. My routine includes a shower, a little time writing in my journal and writing my to-do list for the next day.
2.Put Away the Devices.
I listed this one as number one because I am famous for “checking on last email”, reading the news on my phone, or scrolling Facebook or Instagram. But in the last few weeks, I have made a conscious effort to put down my devices at least 30 minutes before I hop into bed.
3. Read a Book
Sometimes, even after my bedtime routine is complete, I still need to quiet my brain. I’ve found that books do this.
4. Drink herbal Tea
Yes, even I drink tea! I’ve found that a nice warm cup of non-caffeinated herbal tea does help relax my mind.
5. Give up the Afternoon Cup of Coffee
This one was the hardest. Now I’m a nurse, so I can fall asleep 30 minutes after I have a cup of coffee if I need to. But I won’t sleep well. I know that, and so I’ve started eliminating any caffeine after 3 pm. Caffeine effects everyone differently, so figure out when you can have your last cup and still sleep well.
6.Start your Day with Exercise
When I exercise in the morning or sometime during the day, I always sleep better at night. In fact, I’m out as soon as my head hits the pillow.
7. Wake Up at the Same Time Everyday
Just like I have a bedtime routine, waking up at or near the same time every day seems to help my body know when to sleep. This is the hardest one for me, and I’m still working on it. Because really, I just don’t want to wake up at 4 am on the weekends too.
8.Turn off all the lights
Electronics, street lights, lamps: turn them all off. Light at night keeps us from sleeping deeply.
9.Keep it cool
I cannot sleep hot. Even in the winter,I want to be cozy, but not warm.
10. Get A new Mattress/Pillows/Comforter
Listen. CDub and I got a brand new mattress the February after we got married…12 years ago.
It was PAST time for a new mattress. I know new mattresses are expensive, but it might be worth the investment!
So, how are you getting better sleep?
These are all great tips! I’ve found that I sleep very well when I exercise. I’ve actually started exercising daily, and I sleep like a baby now!
I am so bad about my devices. As an entrepreneur, I am absolutely joined at the hip with my phone and tablet, and that sometimes leads to me not sleeping very well.
Awesome tips! I need to wake up and go to bed at the same time every night. I don’t – but I need to! I’ve done all of these, and they really are a smarter way to get better rest.
These are all great tips. I think one of my biggest downfalls is my phone. I try not to look at it after 9 o’clock but that doesn’t always work. I do know I have insomnia and I’m wondering if this is part of the reason.
I will have to check that comforter out. I’ve been in the market for a new one. I get so hot at night and I hate it.
Great tips. I find I sleep better when it’s cooler in my room.
These are great tips for a better nights sleep. It really is important that you are getting the right amount of quality sleep in a night!
I swear there are so many people out there that do not take the quality of their sleep seriously. If you are not getting a good nights sleep, then you are going to be far less productive. Great tips.
Starting your day with exercise is a great way to get into a routine. If you are in a routine your body knows when it is time to sleep and when it is time to get up and allows you a far better nights rest. GREAT TIPS!
These are all great tips. I don’t know why, but ever since school started for my daughters, I’ve been going to bed at an earlier time. I’m glad to be getting better sleep now.
I keep my phone out of my bedroom too. The last thing I want at night is my phone buzzing!
I so need a good nights sleep! I’m always up way past my bedtime and then wake in the middle of the night too!
A good night’s sleep is just SO important. I had to learn to put down the devices an hour before bedtime and I noticed a huge improvement.
I have been sleeping a lot better since I stopped bringing my phone to bed with me. I made sure there was no light in my room so it is totally dark.
These are some really great tips. I normally have such a hard time getting to sleep, so going to give some of these a try.
Keeping it cool is what I have to do too. I hate being hot at any point when I am trying to sleep.
I need to try drinking an herbal tea. I just have trouble winding down at night.
This mattress sounds lovely! We need a new mattress so bad. I”m sure a new one would help my husband and I sleep better.
These are really great tips! Will definitely try these for a better sleep! 😀
Herbal tea is a good one! I know that I need to take more time to relax so that I can sleep better.
#2 is definitely one of the hardest ones for me… and trying to ditch using my smartphone before bed has really shown me just how dependent on it I’ve become! I actually feel nervous and uneasy when I leave it out of the room completely… it’s crazy.
Wow! Really? Just searching for this. Great tips & tricks. Very very informative. Thanks for sharing buddy. God bless.
Let’s just say that my biggest challenge has been following a bedtime routine. I often create on, follow it religiously for about 3 or 4 days and then give up. The urge to watch my favourite movies till midnight is just so strong, but I will have to ditch this habit because I am always waking up so late.Might try some herbal tea as well!
I don’t always get a good night’s sleep. But I’ve discovered there is a direct correlation to how well I sleep and how much exercise I get. I enjoy walking and usually do it daily. But when I get away from it (like I did last month for the most part) I don’t sleep as well
Nothing beats a good mattress. I know when I sleep on a bad one, I feel dreadful the next day. We’re moving house soon and we may be in need of mattresses. Do you have any idea to buy mattress?
Great tips! I’d also add in that getting some blue light eliminating glasses will help. Especially useful for those people who like to read on their kindle or IPAD before sleeping and have a hard time putting away devices 🙂
Thanks for sharing your experience! great tips ill sure keep that in mind.
As I m sleep lover and I love to sleep for 10-12 hours daily, these tips will be very much helpful to buy the best mattress for myself
Are Tomorrow Sleep Mattresses covered by a warranty? I came across your site and it seems like an honest recommendation, but it’s a little scary buying a mattress online without being able to feel if it’s firm, soft, or somewhere in between. I just want to get rid of my back pain!!!!
I thought a luxury bed and a high-quality mattress is enough to get a better sleep anytime. Thanks for sharing these tips with us. I would definitely try these.
very imformative
It really helped when you said that getting a new mattress can be a good investment for me and my husband. We’re actually avoiding unnecessary expenses around the house but I guess we shouldn’t sacrifice the amount of sleep we get each night by using an old and uncomfortable mattress. I’ll try to ask him if we can shop for custom mattresses for antique bed frames next Monday.