15 of the Best audiobooks for Road Trips

The next time you hit the road, make sure you download one of theses 15 audiobooks for road trips that will make your trip go by quick!

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Road trips can be the longest drawn out hours of our lives…or a great adventure. The perfect way to pass the time, is with a great audiobook!

Whether it’s a family road trip with kids asking ” are we there yet” or a trip alone, audiobooks on road trips will help you make the time fly by.

How To Listen to Audiobooks

There are lots of ways to listen to audiobooks!!


If you have a library card, many public libraries provide public FREE access to a large selections of audiobooks through the Overdrive or Libby apps on smartphones or tablets.

But remember, libraries only have limited numbers of each title available for checkout so you may have to wait for your book!


Audible offers a subscription that will enable you to access a limited number of audiobooks per month, right away. There is free 30-day trial here is you want to try it out.

If you want to support independant bookstores, try Libro.FM

Chirp is another audiobook service that lets you get limited-time deals on select digital audiobooks . All of the books that you purchase are yours to keep, and unlike Audible, there is no monthly subscription fees or minimum purchases.

15 of the Best Audiobooks for Road Trips

The next time you hit the road, make sure you download one of these 15 audiobooks for road trips that will help pass the time! I’ve tried to include a variety of books to help get you started. There is something for everyone on this list.

Happy Listening!

15 of the Best audiobooks for Road Trips

So the next time you find yourself on a roadtrip and in need of a creative way to pass the time, listen to one of these audiobooks!

What are you listening to on your next road trip?

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