It’s Time for the Fall Photo a Day 2018
It’s Fall, it’s October and it’s time for the third annual Fall Photo a Day!
I LOVE October. It’s my favorite month of the year. I think Anne of Green Gables said it best:
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
That’s how I feel. The leaves change, the weather cools off ( eventually), it’s boot and thick sweater season, the scenery is beautiful and pumpkins are everywhere.
Fall Photo A Day
How to Join up:
- Simple: Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your inspiration.
- Use whatever camera you have available! I’ll be using a combo of my iPhone, my Canon 6D and My Canon M50.
- Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #everydayphotoaday.
- Go through the #Everydayphotoaday hashtag to like and comment and be a part of the community.
- Every Friday in October, I will go through and share four photos from the hashtag that have captured my attention in my Instagram Stories.
- If you need an easy way to remember the prompts, CLICK here or the photo above to download it to your computer or your phone. OR just take a screenshot and save it!
Explanation of the prompts for this Fall Photo A Day:
- Warm Cup of..: There are wonderful fall drinks out there. Which one are you drinking?
- Guilty Pleasure: Something that you love to do..even when you are not supposed to.
- Made Me Smile: What made you smile today/
- Yellow: One of the colors of fall. Show us something yellow.
- Candy: It’s almost Halloween, what candy do you have?
- Saturday: What does your Saturday look like?
- An Ordinary Moment: Show me your Everyday Moment
- The Front Door: What does your Fall Decor on your door look like?
- 8’oclock: What’s happening at 8 am or 8 pm?
- Where I work: show us where you work
- Fall Favorites: What are your favorite things about fall?
- Friyay: What’s going on this Friday?
- Pumpkins: Show us your pumpkins!
- Lazy Day Attire: what are you wearing?
- Every Morning: What’s your Monday routine?
- In My Bag: What’s in your bag?
- The view from here: what do you see?
- A selfie: self-explanatory
- Starts with a B: show us something that starts with a B
- Family: who is your family?
- Where I stand: Where are you?
- Negative Space: A composition technique for photography. See Here for more
- Costume: Halloween is coming
- Leaves: the best part of fall
- #TBT: Throw back Thursday
- Breakfast: what’s for breakfast?
- New: show us something new to you!
- Something Orange: Another fall color!
- Fall: show us something that represents fall to you
- On the Table: what’s on your table? Right now?
- Your Choice: photographer’s choice
Can’t wait to see your photos for this fall photo a day challenge this October! Remember to tag your photos #everydayphotoaday!
Join Us!
Join the Everyday Project and get this Limited time FREE Ebook to help you get started taking your best photos this year and access to resources, tools and tips to help you with your photography projects this year.