September Photo a Day Prompts: Cherish Everyday 365
Here are the September Photo a Day Prompts for the Cherish Everyday 365 Photography project on Instagram.
It’s September friends! There are only four months of this year left! If this is your first month participating in the Cherish Everyday 365, welcome! If you have been participating all year either straight through or on and off, welcome back to the project!
It does’t matter if it’s your first month or your 9th, welcome!
September is that transitional month from Summer to Fall. School starts,beach treips are over and it’s time for apples pumpkins and cozy weather.
Document it all with our 365!!
Participating is really simple!
You can join at any time! If you are just joining us for September, that’s ok! If you just want to do September, that’s ok too!
Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your Inspiration.
Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtags #cherisheveryday365 or #cherisheveryday365_September
Go through the #cherisheveryday365 and the #cherisheveryday_September hashtags to like and comment to be a part of the community.
Download the September Photo a Day Prompts here to your phone or print them out for your planner!
If you want tips on how to complete a Project 365 head to the January Post!
I love this community that we have built this year and I’ve met so many new people and followed new accounts. I love following along with all of the photos coming out of this project and I love getting to know you all! I can’t wait to see more photos this month!
I can’t wait to see what you guys share for this month’s challenge!!
Happy Shooting!