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5 Easy Tips to Help You to Spring Clean Your Instagram

Tis the season for Spring Cleaning! And I’m not talking about your house, I’m talking about your Instagram! Spring is the perfect time to spring clean your Instagram account.  Keep reading to get 5 tips to help you update your Instagram account this spring!

5 Tips to Spring Clean Your Instagram


1.Update Your Profile Photo

Instagram is a personal platform. People come on Instagram, not to be sold to by a corporation, but to be entertained. They want to know the YOU behind your account. Give them a person, not a logo. Personalize your brand. A few things to ask yourself:

  • Is your photo recent?
  • Look at the photo and ask yourself if it’s relevant to your brand
  • Is it clean and in focus?

2. Update Your Bio

If your bio is the same one from when you joined Instagram a few years ago, it’s time to update. If you rebranded, you need an update. Your bio is the first thing people see. Your bio should give them a clear concise idea of what your account is about.  Also.

  • Add hashtags: You can now add hashtags to your bio. I strongly suggest that you make a personal one just for your brand. At the very least, add hashtags that you are associated with or use often ie :#disneymom
  • You can now @someone on your account. This is perfect if you have a product, a shop, or you are a moderator on another account.
  • Add Keywords. Motherhood, fashion, photography etc. But weave these keywords naturally into your bio.
  • Location: I know this is a problem for some people with privacy issues. BUT you don’t have to put your exact location. The closest metro area will work. Having a location in your bio increases your chances of coming up in a search.
  • Link: Use your link wisely. I suggest something like Linktree or A simple landing page on your blog like this one.
  • Highlights: Your Instagram bio is like a landing page for your account. Highlights serve as categories. It’s a perfect way to give insight into what your account is about.

3. Go through your Hashtags

This can be an undertaking. But remember, people have been “shadow banned” for using the same hashtags over and over again.

  • Update your lists. If you talk about motherhood, food and travel, make sure you have separate hashtag lists for those categories. DO NOT use the same hashtags for every photo.
  • Make sure none of your hashtags are banned. A good place to start is here. Check your lists to make sure none of your hashtags are banned. Having a banned hashtag on your list dramatically decrease the reach of your posts and make it not show up under any of the hashtags that you have used.

4. Make a Plan to Use Instagram Stories.

If you want to succeed with Instagram and work with the algorithm, you have to use all of the parts of the Instagram ecosystem.  Instagram stories are now the number one way to connect with your followers on Instagram.

  • Decide what content you want to share.
  • People are naturally nosy, give them something to come back to.
  • You want to give value:  you want users to feel like they have to catch your stories.  You want them to turn on the ” stories notification” on your stories
  • Plan a mix of photos, boomerangs and video to keep your audience engaged.
  • Ask questions! You want to keep the engaged in your DMs

5. Hire Me! 

Sometimes you need someone to look at your account for you. If you have done everything you can think of and you are still not growing, I’m here for you! Check out my Instagram Strategy Reports.

instagram stategy report as a way of spring cleaning your instagram account

What is an Instagram Strategy Report and what is included?

A written report with detailed analysis on your profile, your photos, your captions, hashtag uses and what you can do to improve your account. Basically, you get my undivided attention on your account along with a plan to help you improve your account specifically for your chosen audience.

You get an in-depth, personalized look into your account:

  • Your profile
  • Bio description
  • Posting schedule
  • Content
  • Your use of hashtags
  • Instagram Stories suggestions and ways YOU can connect with your people

And get tips that you can implement immediately to improve and optimize your account for real growth and engagement.


The Big question: how much? 


Yes, it’s an investment, but one I hope you will think is worth it.

Since these reports are so in depth and require me to do research into your account and your niche, it takes me more than a few minutes. In fact, it takes me more than a few hours! I dive deep into your account to really understand what’s going on. And because of that the reports will be limited so that I can give each account the time it deserves.

So if you are interested, or know someone who is, Head HERE for a more in depth look into what is included and find out how you can sign up! 

Do you spring clean your Instagram account?

FREE ideas for Instagram Stories!

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