The Everyday Project: 12 Photography Projects for the New Year

I feel like I’ve been in a creative rut for the last year. I started out the year with great intentions, but basically only picked up my camera( my Canon 6D) for work. I miss it!  I miss the creativity.

I’ve been feeling a little lost, and one of my goals next year is to get back to shooting intentionally every day FOR ME.  And every day, I hear many of you saying the same: you want to get better, you want photography project ideas, you want a community that will support you.

So this year, I’m introducing a year-long project called The Everyday Project: 12 photography projects over 12 months.

One photography project every month to get your creativity going, bring joy back to photography and help you create wonderful visual memories from 2018.

Check out these 12 photography project ideas for the new year to help improve your photography skills.


Photography projects work best with support. So this project has a Facebook group for those of you who like me, want  to improve and want a challenge every month. This is not a 365. Rather, a way to get creative every month. You can participate every month, or just join in on the months you choose. It’s up to you!

So, here are the 12 Photography Projects we will be working on in 2018!

1. Composition Techniques

Each week of the month, learn and practice a type of composition. This is the basis of good photography and will help you take great photos for the rest of the year.

2. 4 weeks of Light

Each week, learn about and use a different type of light: Side Light, Indoor light,Low Light,, Diffused light.

3.  Shoot Like a Roll of Film
Shoot Like you are shooting a roll of film: take exactly 36 shots like you are working with a “roll” of 36 exposures.  Be intentional every single time you press your shutter button.

4.  A Week in Black and White

Shoot 7 Photos: one a day and every day in black and white

5.  Mobile Only

Using only your mobile device, take a photo a day for 30 days. But you will still make the best photo you can using composition, light , and storytelling.

6. 4 Sunday Mornings

Every Sunday this month, show us what your Sunday morning looks like. Make a conscious effort not to take the same photo every Sunday. Show us different elements of your Sunday. Tell the story of your Sunday morning.

7. A Day in the Life

Take your camera everywhere with you for one day and shoot your day.

8. Self Portraits

Once a week, take a self-portrait. Not a selfie, an actual planned out self-portrait. Get in front of the camera to show you were there.

A Self-portrait project is one of the best way to get in the frame and practice composition, light and storytelling with a cooperative subject.

9. Color Month

For this month, pick a color, and take photos where that color is dominant in the image.  It can be anything or any color you choose. You must take at least one photo a week featuring your color.

10. Diptychs

A diptych is a   pairing of two photographs side by side with a specific relationship between them. It’s also a simple way to tell a story, share a moment, or give a different perspective on a theme.

11. 30 Thankful Days

Every Thanksgiving, or anytime for that matter, photographing something that you are thankful for 30 days straight not only improves your photography skills, but helps you to acknowledge the things in life you are grateful for.

12. Holiday Photos

Document the holiday season from the perspective of your child, your family or yourself.

I am so excited! Hopefully these photography project ideas can get your creativity going and get you to pick up your camera this year!

Remember, don’t forget to sign up for the Facebook Group too!

Join Us!

Join the Everyday Project and get this Limited time FREE Ebook to help you get started taking your best photos this year and access to resources, tools and tips to help you with your photography projects this year.

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  1. So excited about this. I like the different approach… it’s one thing to have prompts, but another to get tips on more specific techniques. I so often hear that my photos are beautiful or pretty but I question my abilities each and every day and feel that it really holds me back. I’m hoping by being more intentional about my photography that I will also feel more confident because it’s truly something I enjoy. I’m just so grateful that last year at this time one of my bloggt Friends Shared your Project 52 with me and I got to “know” you this past year!
    Have a happy and productive 2018!

  2. This is going to be a great year! With school and single parenting and all that goes along with both of those, it will be good to have a creative outlet!

  3. Thank you for the inspiring ideas. My favorite is the 4 weeks of light. Something i need to do more myself… it would be great to share the outcome of these projects… have a great New Year

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