It’s Back! April Photo A Day
This is the April Photo a Day Challenge . Use your camera phone or camera and take a photo each day using the list as inspiration.
Im baaaaack!!!
After the Cherish Everyday Photo a Day Challenge last year, I needed a break from my favorite thing on the gram!
But April came around and I knew I wanted to get back to my 4 times a year photo a day challenges!
And so , it’s April and the April Photo a Day Challenge is back!
SO! Starting THIS THURSDAY April 1st, join me on Instagram for a photo challenge to spark your creativity and just capture your version of spring.
Here is how to join us!
- Simple: Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your inspiration.
- Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #everydayphotoaday.
- Go through the #Everydayphotoaday hashtag to like and comment and be a part of the community.
- Every Friday in April, I will go through and share four photos from the hashtag that have captured my attention in my Instagram stories.
- If you need an easy way to remember the prompts, CLICK here or the photo above to download it to your computer or your phone. OR just take a screenshot and save it!
I can’t wait to see what you guys share for the April Photo A Day Challenge!
Happy Shooting!
Photography Tips
100 Tips to Help You Take Better Photos