How to Have a Productive Week
Is your productivity struggling? Do you have good intentions and then still end up with nothing checked off on your to do list by Friday? Keep Reading to learn how to have a productive week!
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If you are anything like me, you are BUSY! And time management is a must to get everything done. If you feel like you get to every Friday with nothing done on your to do list, I’m here to help! Keep reading to learn how to have a productive week.
How to Have a Productive Week
1. Plan on a Sunday
Every Sunday, I take the time to sit down with a cup of coffee, a quiet space and organize my week.
Start with just writing everything you need to do that week : including appointments, things the kids need to do, work projects, personal things EVERYTHING you can think of and make a list.
The benefit of doing this is that you know what you have to do for the week ahead of time and then, you can break it down by day.
Click here to Learn more about How to Plan Your Week on a Sunday.
2. Start Meal Planning
Meal planning saves time and energy and puts you on autopilot! So instead of wondering: what’s for dinner today?
You already have it planned.
This also helps with grocery shopping and not having to go to the store multiple times a week because you randomly decided to have chicken on a Wednesday night.
Want to know more about meal planning? Click here.
3. Develop a Morning Routine So You Can Have Time For You
Morning Routines are life savers for your productivity. A lot of us are not productive because we feel like we do nothing but work and we have no time for ourselves.
Tha’s where your morning routine comes in.
A morning routine gives you back that time for you. Waking up even 30 minutes earlier than everyone else can give you time to read, watch your favorite show on Netflix, take the time to Journal or just be still.
Learn More about How to Create a Morning Routine Here.
4. Make Your Daily To Do List Short
Remember when I talked about breaking down your to large to do list you made on Sunday into manageable ones by day?
When you make your daily to do list, make it short.
Pick three things. If you get all three done and have time for more, it’s gravy!
If you are having a hard day, just being able to check three things off of your list makes a difference.
5. Do the Hard Things Before Lunch
This is called eating the frog. The premise behind it, is when you are looking at your to do list, do the hard thing first.
If you are anything like me, you tend to put off the hard things until you can’t anymore. But if you do the hard thing first( before noon), the rest of your day is a win for your productivity. No matter what .
So hopefully, this post helped you to learn how to have a productive week.
Want More Productivity Tips?
Want More Productivity Tips? I’ve partnered with a few of my bad ass friends who are queens of productivity for a few more tips!
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My biggest issue is waking up before the kids! I KNOW that I need to go to bed earlier
it’s the key. lol the key to peace and quiet.