How to Create a Sunday Reset Routine Plus FREE Printable
Having a great Sunday reset routine is the best way to start your week off on the right foot. Check out my Sunday routine and a checklist to help you build yours.
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I used to find myself dreading Monday morning. The weekend would pass in a blur of activities, and then I would arrive at Monday morning, not even remotely ready for the rest of the week. Meals weren’t planned, and my life seemed out of control due to my busy schedule. But through trial and error, I learned that taking some dedicated time on a Sunday made a huge difference in how my week went.
Taking the time to regroup, reflect and recharge before a new week begins, will help you to remain focused and productive.
Easing in with a positive attitude can also help to prepare you for whatever challenges life throws at you that week. Because even though I have a morning routine and an evening routine, I’ve found that my weekly Sunday reset really is the key.
The time I take every Sunday for my weekly reset routine really helps me to organize, prep for my week and actually get things done.
Here’s everything you need to know about building the ultimate Sunday reset routine that works best for you.
What is a Sunday Reset routine?
Just like you use your Morning routine to reset your day, a Sunday reset routine is a day that helps you to prepare for the week ahead.
It’s the best day to think about what went well last week and what didn’t so that you can readjust and make new plans for the next week.
A reset is not only about taking care of chores like laundry, meal planning, grocery shopping, or housework or getting ready for your working week. It’s about allowing yourself to catch your breath and get ready to conquer the week and not get distracted.
I love my Sunday reset because it allows me to prep for my weekend and make sure it is a productive one. This practice has definitely helped reduce my stress levels and helps me to enter the week with a clear head.
How to build a Sunday Reset routine
1. Sit down and make a list.
This is a habit I got from Amyriah Martin and her long list strategy. The premise is that you sit down, set a timer for 15 minutes, and brain dump everything you need to get done that week. Don’t edit yourself, don’t think about, just write down everything that comes to your brain about what you need to get done that week.
So on Sunday mornings, with a cup of coffee, I brain dump everything: work and home.
2. Next, make a priority list
I look over my brain dump list and my Google calendar for that week( just to make sure my brain didn’t block anything out) and write out the three most important things I need to get done that week. (This is home and work). Three things because most of the time, you can prioritize everything else, but there are always deadlines, appointments or things that must be worked into our weekly schedule.
3. Then, break that list up into daily tasks
Every day, I start the day with three things that have to be done. Just like that three things for the week that must be done? I have a daily one too. The top one is always my frog: or the most important thing of the day. The one thing I MUST get done. The other two, are 2nd and third priority.
4. Make a Meal plan
I meal plan, because I’ve found my week, goes better if my meals are already planned out.. I plan out what I’m going to cook for dinner every day, lunch ideas and breakfast for me. ( My son is a creature of habit so I know what he’s having day to day. My husband eats a late breakfast if at all).
After I meal plan, I plug in those meals throughout the week and make my grocery list. Then, I order our groceries or plan a trip to the Farmers’ Market depending on what I need. I even do a bit of meal prepping for at least Monday to help my week get started well.
5. Dont forget include yourself in your plans!
Yes, I started scheduling my personal time. Because listen, I learned the hard way, that if I don’t schedule myself in, I will always give and do for others and end up pouring from a very empty cup. My personal needs matter and I’ve found that my mental health suffers when i don’t plan for ME.
So I write in and SCHEDULE my exercise. And set alarms too.
I plan the time to read a good book or plan self care, right in my to-do list.
Do it for yourself, friends.
Download Your Free Planner Printable
To help you get started on making your own Sunday reset, or to make your own routine, I’ve included this reset checklist to help you with goal setting and planning a great week.
I’ve made two planner pages that do exactly what I do!
Check out these FREE weekly and Daily Planner Printables below!
I use the weekly to make my long to do list for the week, meal plan and prioritize my week.
Then the daily I have my top 3 to-do list for home and work my meal plan for the day I write this out the night before just in case I need to unthaw meat for dinner, schedule my me-time AND write out my affirmation for the day.
Get your Free Planner Printables below!
Final Thoughts
I hope this post on how to build a Sunday reset routine has been helpful. A Sunday Reset great way to make sure that I have a productive week. Because there is nothing worse than Sunday night and Monday morning and realizing that you are not prepared for the week. But that is the power of the Sunday reset, it helps you to rest and recharge for the upcoming week.
So get a Sunday reset routine that works for you! It can make all the difference in helping you have peace of mind and focus on what’s important and feel good your upcoming week.