10 Binge-Worthy Netflix Shows to Start Today

Everyone keeps saying that it’s the perfect time to Netflix and chill. But what should you watch? Check out these 10 Binge Worthy Netflix shows to start today!

binge worthy shows on netflix graphic

Confession: I rarely watch TV because I am always reading. I might binge watch a show on Netflix maybe once a month. If that. But I have nothing but time now so why not?

I asked on both my personal Facebook page and my Instagram stories for suggestions for Binge-Worthy Netflix Shows. I got all kinds of suggestions, but the ones I have included in this post are the ones that everyone is talking about and therefore I will watch.

I have actually started a few, and some were already on my list to watch. One, I am refusing to watch out of principal, but I might have to give in depending on how long this social distancing life lasts.

So if you are looking for something to watch today, tonight or this weekend, check out these suggestions and let me know which ones you watch! And if you have any other suggestions, add them in the comments!

10 Binge-Worthy Netflix Shows to Start Today

Everyone keeps saying that it's the perfect time to Netflix and chill. But what should you watch? Check out these 10 Binge Worthy Netflix shows to start today!

What are you going to watch first?


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