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October Photo Challenge 2022

It’s time for the October Photo a Day /October Photo challenge!

October is my absolute favorite month, and to celebrate this, I do this challenge every single year.

I love doing these and I love meeting new people every year and seeing Fall in different parts of the country and the world.

SO! Starting THIS SATURDAY October 1st, join me on Instagram for a photo challenge to spark your creativity and just capture your version of fall.

How to Join up:

  • Simple: Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your inspiration.
  • Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #everydayphotoaday.
  • Go through the #Everydayphotoaday hashtag to like and comment and be a part of the community.

And now, an explanation of the October Photo Challenge prompts…

1. Hello Friday: Introduce yourself, say hello!

2.Everyday Moments: Share a random, everyday moment or a moment you want to rememebr

3. Morning Things: What is happening in the morning?

4. Cozy: show us something cozy.

5. Current view: what are you looking at now?

6. A hobby: share your hobby with us

7. A few of my favorite fall things: share what you love about fall

8. A book you are reading: what are you reading?

9. Outside: did you get outside to day? Go somewhere? Share!

10. My Happy Place: show us a place that makes you happy

11.Rule of thirds: This is a photography rule. See a more detailed description here and then take a photo!

12. Comfort Food: what food brings you comfort?

13. What’s in my cup: did you get your favorite fall drink?

14. Pumpkins: it’s pumpkin season SHARE yours!

15. Photographer’s Choice: share a photo of whatever you want

16. Sunday Funday: what did you sunday look like?

17. Candy: it’s halloween candy season. What’s your fav? Or least fav?

18. In my bag: what do you always have in your bag?

19. A Selfie: take a selfie

20. THe front porch: Did you decorate for fall? share!

21. What’s for dinner: what did you cook or order?

22. Scenes from fall: fall is in full swing, share your corner of the world

23. Black and white: share a black and white photo

24. 7 o’clock: what’s going on at 7 o’clock? AM or PM your choice

25. The gram vs real life: share with us what life really looks like. unfiltered , unposed. REAL

26. Sweater weather: are you wearing a sweater today? what’s the weather like?

27. A memory: you can pull this from your camera roll

28. Fall Eyecandy: something pretty and fall.

29. Saturday Morning: what does your Saturday Morning look like?

30. Checklist: do you have a to do list?

31. BOO: it’s halloween! Share your halloween, your kids, or something you like to do on Halloween!

I can’t wait to see your photos from our October Photo Challenge this year! Follow me over on IG @lashawnwiltz to stay up to date!