My Morning Routine and a Morning Routine Checklist

How to Make the Perfect morning routine that works! Check out these tips for creating productive habits every morning. Download the Morning Routine Checklist!

How to Create a morning routine

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Almost 2 years ago now, I had a more productive morning when I woke up early and did all of the things BEFORE everyone else in my house woke up,

I moved more, I actually didn’t drink as much coffee…

People think I’m crazy, but listen: I own and operate this blog, I am a mother, a wife, I own a subscription Box service, I write for another website etc etc etc!   

My to-do list is never-ending and long. I need every minute of my 24 hours in a day that I can get. That’s why I started this great morning routine.  

My day is hectic. From the moment my son wakes up until I fall exhausted into bed, I am on the move. 

 But all work and no play was starting to wear on me and I knew I needed dedicated time to just devote to me. Without anyone pulling on me, demanding answers to questions. Where I didn’t have to answer emails or stop and find a pair of socks or just TALK to anyone else. 

I was finding that I was trying to squeeze healthy habits and behaviors into my daily routines and failing miserably. I didn’t have time for me and I was just off and overwhelmed.  

Until I started my morning routine that changed my life. It has saved my sanity, made me more productive and just made me an all-around better person.

Here is how my morning routine goes! Scroll down for tips on how I created my morning routine and a FREE Morning Routine Checklist to help you make yours!

My Morning Routine

sitting at my table by the window starts my morning routine

4am: My Morning Routine starts: My Alarm Clock Goes Off and I GET UP.

I don’t hit the snooze button. Studies have shown that it’s better to just get right up.

4:10am: I Meditate and Affirm Myself

After taking care of morning things, I head downstairs and meditate. This means different things on different days. Sometimes it’s reading a meditation from my Power Thoughts app sometimes it’s a meditation from my Peloton app. Whatever it is, it leaves me in a good mood afterwards.

4:20am: I journal

i journal as a part of my morning routine.

I end this time journaling in my 5-minute journal if I don’t have much to say or my regular journal. Whatever journal it is, I write down my affirmation of the day and what I am thankful for. Positive affirmations really get my day started off on the right foot

4:30am: I Hydrate and Read

I grab at least a glass of water , then give myself about 30 minutes for me. A lot of people ask me how I read so much, this is my secret. Every morning, I do this. This is my time.

5-6:30am: I get in my morning exercise!

From about 5-630, for my physical health AND mental health, I work out . This might be strength training, yoga, pilates , a ride on my peloton or all of the above. It’s helped so much with weight loss and again, since I’m an early bird, this part of my self care is done before the day even begins.

6:30-7:45am: It’s time for Motherhood

It’s time to get my son ready for school! I start his breakfast( yes, I’m THAT mom) and then harass him into waking up( he’s not a morning person)

After he is up, I finish making his lunch and get him out of the house and to school on time.

8-10 am: I Eat the Frog

One secret that keeps me motivated every morning is that it actually starts the night before. During my evening routine, I’ve looked over my to-do list and written down THREE things I want to get done that day.

At 8, I pick my frog. This is the concept that you do the most difficult thing first from the book Eat the Frog by Brian Tracy .

Some days that’s the gym, some days it could be cleaning the kitchen, some days it’s writing an article or an email. Whatever it is, I get it out the way and that makes me feel accomplished.

10am: I eat my breakfast

This is the end of my morning routine, because of all of that, I need food and I need coffee! I actually sit down at my dining room table and take 30 minutes to do this. It’s my time to refuel with a healthy breakfast and be ready for whatever the day is going to throw at me!

So How do you Make Your Own Morning Routine?

A morning routine doesn’t mean that you have to wake up at 4 am like me. It simply means that you need to set aside a little bit of extra time every morning to wake up and focus on you!

Your routine can be as long or as short as you want it.

So why do you need a morning routine?

I get it, ” routines” can seem boring, stifling or just unobtainable! BUT Morning routines make your life easier. They reduce stress because you really don’t have to think about what do before you’ve even had your first cup of coffee.

Routines put our brains on autopilot. They become like muscle memory. You don’t have to think about it because it just is.

But if you are just starting out, you need help to get a better start on your day, and I’m here to help!

5 Things to Consider when Planning your Morning Routine

1.Plan Your Morning at Night

I plan out what I need to get done( including my top 3 things to get done) at the end of the day I find i have less stress in the morning and have a much more productive day when i plan out important tasks the night before. . If I am working out the next morning after I drop my son off, I lay out my workout clothes. I iron my son’s clothes for school, plan his lunch and meal plan for the next day.

2. Pick a wake up time

Mine is 4 am. Your’s might by 5 or 630am. Whatever it is, keep it consistent and after a while, it will start to feel natural.

And when you get up, DON’T PICK UP YOUR PHONE! I switched my alarm to my Apple watch because when I used my phone, it was the first thing I reached for! And then I spent the next 20-30 minutes in bed mindlessly scrolling the internet instead of getting up.

If you have trouble with this, use one of these apps to block social media or limit it on your phone.

3. Devote Some Time to YOU and Hydrate

Meditate and affirm: Meditation or morning affirmations are a great way to establish the tone of your day.

But also taking time for you: reading, journaling, listening to a podcast or watch Netflix. Whatever it is, take at least 20 minutes for you. Do it first thing so that even on a busy day, you feel like you did something for yourself.

Drinking water ( BEFORE coffee) helps to gear up your metabolism and your brain. It helps you to WAKE up!

4. Eat a Frog

Pick ONE thing to cross off of your to-do list right away.

As part of my evening routine, I usually write out my to-do list. In the morning, I look over what I need to accomplish and pick one of those to be my frog.

Your frog ( idea taken from the book Eat the Frog) could be a difficult task, cleaning a bathroom, sending that important email , exercising or making a Dr’s appointment. Whatever it is, doing that ONE thing that you want to put off helps you feel accomplished. Because it’s before noon and you already got something done!

5. Have Breakfast

Didn’t your mama tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?

Now I know with the advent of intermittent fasting and our busy lives that it can be hard to fit in breakfast or even want to.

But a person can’t be fueled by coffee alone ( believe me I’ve tried)

Getting something in: a piece of peanut butter toast, a full meal from iHop, an apple, or avocado toast is important to make sure we can do what we need to do for ourselves and our families all day.



Morning routines take time and practice to perfect.

If it seems daunting, add a new element every week. Wake up 15 minutes earlier every week until you reach your ideal time. Take all of these tips and create your own morning routine and adapt as necessary. Just keep at it. And watch your days become more and more productive.



  1. I wake up on most mornings at 4:45 am. I pray. I think. I pray some more. Some mornings I read. Around 5:30, I write or do blog stuff like send out emails. I usually walk my dog around 7. I write some more until 8. I exercise at 8. I drink water before walking the dog and after I exercise. Some mornings, I am nice and prepare breakfast for the girls, but usually they fix something. We start our homeschool day at 10 so I get a lot of stuff done between 5:45 and 10.

  2. So the alarm goes off at 5:20, I cuss a little, turn it off, then lay back down. It goes off again at 5:40 whisper a prayer, then I’m up, grump my way to the bathroom to get myself together (News and Social Media is checked here too until my leg falls asleep) and cut on some music. Wake the boy up at 7 and we’re out the door by 7:30. I’m on the train by 8:15 to work for about 45 min then grab some breakfast at my desk and begin the day. Now that we’re out of the funk of dark mornings I’ll give it go again.

  3. Loved reading this. I *try* to get up at 5 a.m but its normally 6 a.m. One day I will get into the 5 a.m. routine (!) I start with prayer, Miracle Morning, quick yoga and squats while brushing teeth. In the parking deck I do my daily devo. If I am ever late to work, I lock my office door and complete what I need.

  4. I was doing something similar. Waking an hour earlier but then I fell off it was awesome. I need to get back to it. Maybe earlier. But I can’t go to bed early enough. I just need like ten more hours in the day. Sheesh. Thanks for the motivation. And when you listed all you do, I got tired. Lol

  5. My morning routine is rather all over the place and needs to be fixed. Fixing that is my goal for the month. Getting to bed earlier is part of the solution. But it’s so hard when I’m such a natural night owl!

  6. I’m with you. I’m usually up at 5 but on the days I work from home, I stay up until 1am working on my personal stuff. I’ve found, like you, that going for a walk in the wee hours of the morning is the perfect start for my day. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I also get up at 4am. My husband and I write together from 4am to 6am, I work out from 6-6:30, and shower and dress until 7:30. Between 6:30 and 7:30 my four kids wake up. From 7:30-8:30 I help them get ready and we start homeschool at 8:30 and my husband goes to work. I love it because by the time we start school I have already had my own time to do things I want so I am not distracted at all. At night we have a routine as well to get everyone in bed by 7pm. Me and my husband have alone time from 7-8:30 and then we go to sleep around 8:30.

  8. I love the sound of your day and this would have worked a couple of years ago. But now I am up at 3am and out the door at 4am. I have a few breaks during my work schedule but am I always trying to get things done. I am lucky to be in bed at 8. So have yet to figure out how to fit things in this schedule.

  9. I need to get to bed earlier and I need to wake up earlier. I work full time outside of my blog so I need every second I can get to write and create content to keep my site going. Thanks for these tips.

    1. this is why I originally got up early. Because as a nurse, I work LONG hours and getting up early was the only way to get ANYTHING blog related done!

    2. @LaShawn, I am also a nurse working 4 12 hour shifts in a row and need to get myself into a good morning routine in order to get exercise and healthy habits in. Thanks for the article and the motivation.

  10. My routine-I wake up at 530 am. Pour a cup of coffee and take my meds, and then give my daughter her morning meds in bed and then let her go back to sleep. If the weather is agreeable, I take my coffee to my back porch and smoke a cigarette. I take time for me before I wake the kids up at 615. I am much nicer if I have my own time before they get up. The kids get their own breakfast most mornings, and then do their morning chores. They get ready for school and we are out the door about 710. I drive them 25 minutes to school, then I go home. I usually do a little house work, run errands, take a nap and then do my last minute homework before I go to school. I am a full time student. I go to class the rest of the day, then drive 25 minutes to pick up my kids from school. The kids play outside while I make dinner, and when my husband gets home from work we eat. Then we take our kids to their various activities, depending on the day of the week. We come home and the kids go to bed. I work seasonally one day a week in the late spring and all summer. With school letting out and my summer class beginning, our routines will change up a bit.

  11. I *wish* so much that I was a morning person. Your morning truly sounds like a peaceful way to begin the day! I believe you when you say it makes your entire day better.

    How long did it take you to actually get into the habit of getting up early? I’ve often wondered if I could make myself become a morning person…

  12. I am a huge night owl! I get sucked into watching mindless tv or facebook & I’m up til 11:30 or later ugh! Always feel so gross the nwxt morning, trying to get my 2 younger kiddies off to school & then of course have no energy to do anything.
    Any suggestions or tips on transitioning to being a morning person ??

  13. When you feel good, feel free to live your life like this. BUT you could live the same life between 6 or 7 AM and 11 or 12 PM.
    Excercise, writing, following the news, journaling and emtying your head (before you go to bed), planning the next day, meditate and realizing what your are thankfull of about past day, are good things to do in the evening.
    And I think the first meal 3,5 hour after you wake up isn’t a real breakfast!! When some-one wake up at 8 am you woudn’t name eating at 11.30am call breakfast. I think breakfast is in the first 1 or 1,5 hour after waking up.

    1. So true. But that’s why this post is called 8 things “I” do before 8 AM. It’s what works for me and I shared. Thank you for stopping by!

    2. @renate veugelers, Breakfast simply means the meal that breaks your fast. Many have it early in the morning. Some much later. I rarely break my overnight fast before 11am. and often not until 1p.m. It’s still my breakfast.

    3. Yes I agree. Breakfast is supposed to be within the hour after you wake up. Also, making my bed is ALWAYS a part of the morning routine.

  14. LaShawn I LOVED your post! I pushed my workouts back to from 7 to 6am and somehow I am not as productive. I love those quiet hours of the morning. I have not been feeling as connected to God either, I’m up and out and check in MAYBE later and usually with “sorry I keep avoiding you” lol No condemnation, that’s ALL ME, but I do feel disconnected going day after day just working down a “to do” list. I am not a night owl. When the sun goes down, it’s over for me. I am just wearing a useless foot path through the house accomplishing very little. You’ve inspired me to look again at my mornings. What a great little read and reminder. Sometimes it IS the little things 🙂

    1. thank you for stopping by! I love the quiet hours in the morning before my family wakes up. I NEED that time to be productive for the rest of my day!

  15. Great blog post! I am inspired by your strong discipline to maintain this morning routine with the multiple responsibilities you have. Kudos to you! You are truly a SuperWoman!!

    On days that I am off from my full-time job, I wake or try to wake up at 6am and do a morning routine based off Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning – I meditate, read my affirmations, do morning pages, and listen to motivational videos as I do routine chores.

  16. Week day or weekend, I am awake right before 5am (the time I set my alarm clock). I take 10 minutes to practice mindful meditation before getting out of bed. I get dress for working out and head to the kitchen where I drink a litre of water and either head outside for a bike drive or my basement gym depending on the weather and time of year. I love biking as the sun comes up in the summertime, so energizing. I then take my shower, get lunches and breakfast ready before waking the kids. My goal every morning is to sit down for breakfast with them. Have a few uninterrupted minutes with them before the daily hustle and bustle. Helps me rebalance my life and put my family at the center of it. I try to avoid tv and electronics devices as much as I can in the morning, there will be plenty of time for that later.

  17. Sleep is one of the most important things in life, along with drinking water, exercising and eating healthy. I think you’re lacking that part. That’s why sometimes you snooze the alarm. Try to sleep a little more, do a little less and you’ll see you get it all, even better. I think it’s not good for your body.
    I normally wake up 2 hour before life begin. I don’t do everything everyday, but sometimes I go for a 1h walk, sometimes I seat at the computer and start working, I always have 30 minutes to have my coffee, to think, “thank”, decide, organize the day and read some news, check my social accounts.
    I don’t have the same kind of energy that you have and finally I’m ok with that. Aging has its good aspects.
    I’m a single mother of two.
    Just found this article on someone’s Pinterest account. I’m going to follow you. Although I don’t completely agree with you, I likes the way you wrote!

  18. Although I’m not a Mum and have different priorities to you, I’ve been wanting to wake up and get up earlier recently but never had the drive to do it. I don’t wake up particularly late anyway but I’d love to start my day earlier so this might have given me the push to actually put it into motion!

  19. I generally wake up 4:50, then go back to sleep (after taking my Thrive capsules) for 10 minutes. At 5,I get up and I have alarms set for every 20 minutes to make sure I stay on schedule to get things done. It helps make sure you stay on top of your online classes when you dedicate 20 minutes to each one.

  20. Wow, you get so much stuff done in the morning. I have never been a morning person, as I am very much a night owl, but it is my goal to start embracing the mornings. I definitely think that I can do it if I make a slow transition and implement new things as I adjust. Thank you for the inspiration to finally get into a morning routine.

  21. I am in the same boat. I am WAY more productive if I get up in the morning and do things just for me. I think I might follow suit and move exercise to the first part of my routine. I was eating first, but then it just takes so long for me to want to workout. Love this post. Thanks for your ideas!

  22. I’m usually up at 4:15 AM. I wash my face, brush my teeth, put on workout clothes, feed the cat, grab my water and do a 30 to 45 minute workout courtesy of YouTube, shower, do my devotional and then get myself ready for the day. It’s nice to have the downtime to get ready for the day. I’m single with no kids, but I do so much for others due to my job. The AM calm time is perfect for easing into the day and it sets the tone.

  23. You have inspired me to wake up earlier, I need that quiet time. What planner is shown in the picture for this blog post? It looks so cute!

  24. I’m up at 530, pray/meditate, at boxing for 600 until 715, home to recenter my self, set daily goals and have my cup of tea from 730 to 8. Get ready and have breakfast then usually in the office for 845

  25. My litterally yelled, “What the Hell!” when I read this: “People think I’m crazy, but listen: I own and operate this blog, I am a mother, a wife, I manage a Facebook group, I write for Mom 2.0 blog, I am trying to lose weight and I WORK A FULL-TIME JOB on top of all that.”
    If you can do it, I can too. Game on. 😉

  26. I get up at 5:40 most days. It started because I had a hideous commute and needed to be early in case of snow. So, not the kind of time you’re talking about. But,my husband gets up early too, so when I got a closer job, I kept getting up that early. Then I was played off. For a few days I let myself sleep in as late as I wanted, but then I got back on my schedule. I had all day, but somehow, it was easier if I got up early. Next week I’ll start a new job that’s even closer and starts later. I imagine I’ll still get up at that time and just enjoy my morning.

  27. Pingback: 8 Before 8
  28. I loved this post too! I’m going to start with just 15 minutes earlier, and work my way through it! I’m not an early bird OR a night owl… all I know is I love to sleep for like 10 hours! Is that too much?!

  29. I also do meditation and light exercise with hoola-hoop, abs roller, and some stretching. I wish I could wake up earlier to have time for reading and making notes before 8am… But I love when I wake up early, I feel like I accomplish more on those days.

  30. I honestly want to keep this in practice but the problem is waking up early. It’s pretty tough to leave the bed at 5am cos I have work to catch up with at 7am. Is there a routine you think I should use to check this?

  31. So if you get up at 4 am, at what hour do you get to bed. Am so flabbergasted about that early morning and how people deal with that.

  32. Hi lashawn,
    It’s a great idea to gets up early in the morning. But it really tough for me to gets up at 6 am. Would you give a suggestion to gets up early?

    1. do it gradually. Move your wake up time back a little each week until you are where you want to be. And go to bed earlier also. It really helps if you have enough sleep.

  33. I just found your blog! I’m so glad I did. We are very similar so I see myself getting tons of great info from you 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  34. I actually never heard the express Eat the Frog, but it’s an interesting way of putting to complete a difficult task. I like it. Kudos for you getting up early to dedicate time to yourself. I’m not a morning person. I get up to hit the ground running to get ready for work. Haha!

  35. Hi Lashawn,
    Thank you for this article and your free checklist. I’m looking forward to more organized and productive days. Sending blessings your way.

  36. This was pretty awesome I’ve always had a morning routine but it has never consisted of actually getting my son and myself clothes ready for the next day I’ll get on that on asap lol

  37. I honestly don’t understand why people think waking up so early in the morning will help everyone!
    I realy enjoy myself when I wake up at 9am! It works for me! I also enjoy to see sunlight when I wake up.

    1. You are right, it’s not for everyone. But for those who want to , seeing someone else’s plan helps! thanks for reading!

    1. i go to bed tween 8 and 9 pm. lol. It helps that my son is in middle school. Plus, bedtime has always been my husband’s job

  38. At what time you go to bed. This is something I always most hectic part for me. I want to do it. But I can’t plz tell me your sleep time.

  39. Where does getting showered and dressed fit in? I find that if I am dressed and showered I feel more productive 🙂

  40. Great post. You wrote about the morning routine in a different way than I did. It’s really nice.

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